Loosely based on a list by Random. Javan is really good. Don't go overzealous on discarding your hand for cheap dogs. And keep track of your mana with searing strike, amphiteater, and power burst.
Added Valiant Guardian to the market for some extra "surprise value" during longer games.
1) I cut Blitzstone because honestly you don't need that much 2 damage removal in this deck, and you don't otherwise benefit from relic syngergies. I added two more Midchief and 2 more Shoal Custodian (because it is your best answer to a lot of bigger cards).
2) Power Cell overperformed - it was amazingly good every time I drew it. By contrast, Stonehammer generally underperformed as did the Speed Grafter, mostly because the Time market is so terrible. Tempted to try the red Grafter just because you get access to many better cards.
3) The Amphitheater was as good as advertised. Loved playing a beater turn 2, Ampitheater turn 3, play Slow, then get the mana back for another unit.
Overall, this deck is a really fun aggro deck, but not sure it can keep up with the power level of Menace Discard (although the balance patch may help)
This is also the reason for time grafter - a hasted Battlefield Chanter can do you a lot of good.