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40 Unit Rakano

Throne Deck By
Owls & Dragons


Cost Curve




Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
15 14 8 4

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Deck Rarities
19 27 12 4

Card Types
40 0 10 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]


February 6, 2018


Eternal Version
Draft Changes

BBCode For Comments

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rafanson Edited Eternal Version: 1.29
I made some adjustments to this deck that have been working fine for me so far. I was missing 1xChampion of Glory, 2xCrownwatch Paladin, 4xUnseen Commando, 1xValkyrie Enforcer. I also opted to not create the Soulfire Drake because of the recent nerf.

I added in Praxis Outlaw. This sustains the aggro after you've played everything you could play and still haven't won. Blinkwolf acts like a draw. 2 Crimson Firemaw, Jekk, Hunted Fugitive and Obliterate replace the nerfed Soulfire Dragon. I used Censari Brigand to fill in the rest of the space.

I went from silver 2 to gold 3 in half a day. Winstreaks of up to 11 in silver. I'll post more updates in the future.
Silvernight Eternal Version: 1.28
A terrible deck. Our weak units have absolutely no protection, and the idea of beating a person with a mass is unsuccessful. Be at least 40 units, at least 100, without protection, units burst like drops of rain.
TwoEagles Eternal Version: 1.28
I strongly disagree that this is "Tier 1".
dreamdate Edited Eternal Version: 1.28
I swapped your drakes for 2 Ijit/2 stella and mulligan anything that isnt 3 power and its been win city, tyvm for the deck!
ArcyTheArcanine Eternal Version: 1.28
Because my friend won't ask; What is Ijit?
MasterEric Eternal Version: 1.28
dreamdate Eternal Version: 1.28
ok i swapped those 4 for copperhall bailiffs which are nice cause they pop aegis and thats working even better
calango Edited Eternal Version: 1.28
This deck doesn't really care that much about aegis though, since it's mostly about units, that will be focusing on doing combat damage. Most of the time we'll get through aegis blockers with brute force.

The torches ? Torches always go face, friend ! /s
dreamdate Eternal Version: 1.28
:) Maybe a playstyle difference, but this deck with bailiff got me to masters in one day, not saying anything but thank you VERY MUCH!
Gaze73 Edited Eternal Version: 1.28
I run 4 Bailiffs too. But rakano is so good you can get to masters with just about any variation of the archetype. E.g. I have 4 Swords of Icaria, 2 Runic Hammers, no Marshalls, no Drakes and coasted to masters easily.
dreamdate Eternal Version: 1.28
Fair enough haha