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JPS Control

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Leverage copious amounts of removal both single target and board whipes to control board development whilst staying up on resources
with lots of card draw. End games with Azindel's Gift, Channel or the resilient Inquisitor Makto.

very strong against go-wide aggro decks like Rally and Stonescar.
overwhelmingly favorable against slower time based midrange decks
Favored vs Feln Control due to better removal and blanking a lot of their removal because our only threats are multifaction or spells.

Brutalized by relic weapons. the lack of early game units makes relic weapons an absolute nightmare as theres no other way to remove them in these factions.
Skycraggro with lots of burn from hand can be very difficult to stabilize against.
Aegis effects in general are substantially more effective again because of the lack of early game units to trade with them.
Opposing Azindel's Gifts are almost impossible to win through, and theres no way to remove them in these factions other than discarding it before it gets played with Devastating Setback.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 4 3

Power Sources
13 14 18 20

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
12 28 22 8

Card Types
8 6 36 0 25


January 1, 2018


Eternal Version
The Dusk Road

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eljeffedemagico Eternal Version: 1.27
also visions of austerity will remove relics for good. its G/B so would fit
Yalpe Eternal Version: 1.27
I've played this deck a ton (stuck in D3 atm). I'm slowly improving as a pilot so my winrate is probably close to 50%. Do you agree that Devastating Setback is probably the worst card in the list? The -2/-2 isn't that relevant aside from the occasional aggro matchup. Against a lot of creature light/less lists you have to use the first mode which isn't that great for 4 power. Late game, the first mode hits dead cards (Annihilate, Banish and the likes).

I'm losing a lot to Aegis decks. Wouldn't Auric Runehammer be a better alternative?