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TJS archiwasp--Ironthorn, 12 cylix, Diana Ult greedpile.

Throne Deck By
The Great Parliament // Owls and Dragons


Cost Curve




So, another 3F T midrange Archiwasp greedpile, this time I am pretty sure that it's a solid revival of the set 9 TJS archetype pioneered by Stormblessed and others. Essentially, the plan is pretty straightforward: power *AND* influence ramp that can't be blown out by interaction, resulting in massive Know Thy Enemy plays, along with game-winning Diana and Marshal Ironthorn ultimates. Furthermore, the still-stupidly-powerful flying mystic ascendant that is Riftfeeder Wasp turns Marshal Ironthorn into a Mystic Ascendant when it fetches cylixes.

In any case, try to ramp early, know thy enemy blows up all the go-wide aggro, Vara's there to suppress aegis, and then Riftfeeder + Cylixes just grinds out almost anyone. Stormhalt Plating is also there to smack back other decks playing that card since sometimes, you just might run into an oops-all-sweepers deck (Combrei equalize or Hooru control).

Overall, this deck can start to play the game fairly early on, and can continue to value grind for a long, LONG time.

Also, hitting Diana's ultimate is just plain silly fun.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 4 2

Power Sources
16 18 11 20

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
4 12 33 4 22

Card Types
30 4 21 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Into Shadow [Set1004]
Trials of Grodov [Set1006]
Bastion Rising [Set1097]
The Devouring [Set1145]

Control Midrange

April 8, 2024


Eternal Version
Battle Lines

BBCode For Comments

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Vincent8307 Eternal Version: 24.06.19
How good do you think this master is in Masters ladder? Any updates perhaps on the deck?
maslovk Eternal Version: 24.03.14
I can't understand my luck.
First enemy - Worldfire, steall all hand, GG
Second enemy - hyperaggro, no clear, dead by t4, GG
Third enemy - Waxing Moon, 4 topdecks with ping 1 dmg, no relic removal, GG.
4th enemy - even grindier version of this deck, GG xD

What's wrong with me?..
Sabrewulf81 Eternal Version: 24.03.14
nothing, I think this is a lucky game card, percentage of lucky to win 90%, percentage of a good deck or a good skill to win 10% (PVP).