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[Masters] Felrauk's Fliers

Expedition Deck By


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I am usually a net-decker. Last month I managed to get 2 Premium Felrauk the Outcast so I decided to find a deck online and play him. I went through many different decks and never managed to hit a 50% win rate in the platinum ranks. The best deck I found was a Mid range deck by dbro found here Felrauk Mid . It felt great to get a turn 2 Felrauk once in a blue moon, but mostly I found myself running out of steam and losing. I simply ran out of cards to cycle. This deck was created out of that frustration. I would love any suggestions to improve it!

I took this deck from Gold to Masters in the last 10 days. If you want to hit masters quickly and effortlessly, this isn't the deck for you. You will be better off playing a Combrei Aggro deck (booooo). However, if you want a fun self-discard deck that performs well, you have come to the right place.

Start of the game
At the start of the game you want to aim for influence and 2-drops. I hope to get at least one Feln Insignia or Seat of Cunning at the start of the game to start the influence building. After that look for Ripknife Assassin and Honored Skyguard.

Mid Game
You should focus on trying to get up to 3 of each influence and then begin chipping away at your enemy with fliers. Once you hit the magical 3 of each influence, you don't really need much power (I usually stop at around 4 or 5). You can begin discarding power and other cards willy-nilly as you fish for Felrauk the Outcast. If you are going against a control deck, you may be able to win early by using a combination of flyers, Permafrost and your Daring Gryffyn. Generally, I will try to hold any Sporefolk for after I get 3 of each influence unless I am very desperate, On the other hand, don't be afraid to use early Gustrider and card draw so you can quickly get the influence you need.

Late Game
If you are playing one of the aggro decks (I'm looking at you Combrei) and make it to late game, congratulations! You will probably win. If you are versing a control or mid-range deck, hopefully at this point you have damaged the enemy player some. You should hopefully have him down to at least 15 health. At this point of the game, the tides will likely start to turn against you and you will need to start looking for your win condition. This deck has 3 win conditions (in addition to an early flyer win). Most frequently I win late game off of a Crystallize. A couple Felrauk the Outcast will hit very hard. The second late game win condition is to get some high powered Umbren Deathwatcher out on the playing field. Your Deathwatcher combined with Savagery can easily deal lethal damage late game. Finally, very rarely (<5% of games) I will need to rely on my Mistveil Drake. Generally, I do not get to 7 power in a game, and this card is mostly used for the free Aegis and then discarded or sent to the market. Infrequently, however, he will win you the game.

I do fairly well against most matchups. The one deck that this deck really struggles against, however, are cultists. This is due to the amazing Karvet, Solar Dragon. This card will block your flyers, is not covered by any of the Edicts and if you Permafrost him, he will just keep exalting every cultist on the board. If you see Karvet, it is time to pray to RNGesus for a Fell Ritual.

This deck has a fairly low reliance on legendary cards. Unfortunately, Felrauk the Outcast is pretty much essential. The deck was created around this card and he is amazing for messing up your opponents plan and getting a sudden tempo burst mid to late game.
Originally, I was using a couple of Rainfall Accord instead of Wingbrewer. I found that this change really increased my win rate, but this card is not essential to the deck.

Expedition Information


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
17 17 8

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
8 32 16 6

Card Types
36 4 14 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


December 11, 2019


Eternal Version
The Flame of Xulta

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