most folks here understand the Stonescar aggro shell, so i'll just explain my logic around the unusual/new cards.
4x Stonescar Sneak:
this card combos exceptionally well with the new Berserk 2-drops. E.g. turn 1 Sneak, turn 2 Territorial Elf, turn 3 activate Sneak to either push 12 damage, or kill a unit with quickdraw (including SST) and snag 6 bonus face damage.
4x Territorial Elf:
the new Berserk elf is winning games on its own, esp. if dropped on curve when you're playing first. Elf + Rapid Shot = 14 damage if the opponent has no blockers. it's often worth saving the Berserk activation for Bandit Queen's buff.
4x Hotblood Barbarian:
similar functionality to Territorial Elf, with less reach but the ability to discard extra power for Temper. Temper is occasionally useful and allows you to push with your 2 combat power units into 3 defense blockers plus some value for your topdeck. it can also pop Aegis for Torch.
that's about it! the deck is very straightforward, but can be deceptively simple: each decision is critical, esp. when playing around Hailstorm and Harsh Rule. if i'm facing a lot of control MUs i swap to a similar list with Shadowlands Guide.
hope you enjoy!