Main Deck
the ideais is to get star reder in the void preferably with killer then keep playing relics to recur it over and over again, mirrror image lets you copy the mad mage unit which keeps giving you relics then the moonstone mirror gives you infinate relics.
Kept the main deck relics to a minimum to try and cheat out the moonstone mirror using governer sahin so you are only sacrificing the free relics that severin the mad mage gives you if possible, but have a few main deck just in case so have secret passage to allow gorgons fanatic (mostly) to get an arrack past blockers, and a couple of obelisks to just give your units a buff 2 is enough as the mad mage often gives you the relic that lets you put weapons on things, also there is no rat cage to take advantage of mad mage either 1. to keep the main deck relics small but 2. mad mage often gives you the relic that lets you play time tokens instead (which can block too)
disjunction is there to get rid of your opponents relics and lets you get back any relics you may want that are sacrificed to governor
strategize is there just in case you draw the moonstone mirror and also to let you search for influence or action.
there is no removal in the deck other than display or killer on a unit as the deck is focused on what its trying to do rather than stopping your opponent