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[Masters] Mono Shadow

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Managed to achieve a personal goal and made Masters, starting from Gold 1, using a Mono Shadow list.



- The 3-2 split on Shakedown and Sabotage felt correct. There were occasional games where I wanted one instead of the other but they were few and far between.

- Vara, Vengeance-Seeker is good.

- Dreamsnatcher does a bunch of things really well. Providing 8 copies of good, turn 2 blockers really helped against aggro. These were initially Territorial Elf but I quickly found that I needed way more stall-the-game cards.

- Holdup impressed me a ton. There were so many games where I would play it on turn 6 when they only had 2-3 cards in hand and it would effectively win the game. Obviously there are situations where the card is mediocre but then it just serves as Kerendon Merchant fodder.

- Eremot, the Gathering Dark did work as a market choice. While I would be hesitant to mainboard the card, a singleton in the market overperformed in multiple different types of matchups. Against control and midrange, he served as a win-con that could effectively dodge removal by milling it from their deck. Against aggro, it was less relevant but sometimes all you want/need is 6 toughness.

- Devouring Shadow is one of the main reasons to play the deck. Permanent loss of a large number of stats is huge against any deck with recursion.

Overall, the deck felt playable against a variety of decks. No match-up felt unwinnable, and most games felt winnable. My favorite game was a 1 power start with 2 discard spells. Ended up stuck at 2 power until about turn 6, and then winning the game off of Lifesteal and discard spells.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements

Power Sources
22 4

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Deck Rarities
15 22 24 4 5

Card Types
25 5 24 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Into Shadow [Set1004]


October 10, 2018


Eternal Version
Into Shadow

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SasquatchBrah Edited Eternal Version:
I mentioned this on the other mono shadow list that surfaced; Fenris Nightshade is a fantastic card. Personally, I think it's better than ripknife (deck doesn't have good bodies for warcry with no charge/aegis) since it can give you gas on slow hands. A more low to the ground version could drop a power and the vetern mercenaries for him as well.
Shincry Eternal Version: 1.39
What can i put instead of Stray into Shadow
crackvariety Eternal Version: 1.39
I'd say Devastating Setback would be your best option. It fills the role of a Shadow sweeper, albeit not nearly as well. However, it is cheaper and does function as a 3rd Sabotage, so I think it'll be fine in the long run.
Shincry Eternal Version: 1.39
WoW! Fast answer, thx a lot :)
crackvariety Eternal Version: 1.39
Of course! Best of luck on the ladder
CheezWhiz Eternal Version: 1.39
Ugh! I've been sharding Crosses forever, and now I've found a use for them. Curses!

Also, how awesome have the Umbren Reapers been vs. say, Impending doom (difference is owning a playset of one, and not the other)?
crackvariety Eternal Version: 1.39
Haha I had been doing the same. Eventually just said screw it and made the playset. The card is super important for establishing early pressure.

I think in most matchups, Reaper is preferred. Reaper is a card that still does something if it eats a kill spell, whereas Impending Doom is often pay 4 to deal a damage to yourself. Also, there were more than a handful of games where I won off killing my own Reaper for the victory. The difference between 4 and 5 cost isn't a big enough pay off to justify a card that doesn't inherently do anything. That being said, I certainly think the deck would be functional if you were to make a direct swap of the two cards. Just be aware you are going to lose some games where Reaper would normally get you those final points of damage.
damanjeff6 Eternal Version: 1.39
Great deck! I keep forgetting to play dreamcatcher first before making them discard but I got to masters anyways lol
Holdup like you said has been amazing! It feels like lots of decks can't recover after they're hit. They have to keep the removal to deal with your fatties and have to discard their high end threats. Marionette Cross has been surprising. 5/5 on turn 3 can singlehandedly win you the game sometimes.
crackvariety Eternal Version: 1.39
Dreamsnatcher with discard is situational. I find discard on turn 1 is usually more important than +1 power.

Glad you're having the same results. T3 Marionette into t4 Holdup is brutal.

Let me know if you have any tweaks that have worked!
damanjeff6 Eternal Version: 1.39
what do you think about having a Holdup in the market? I'm not sure what to cut for it. Maybe Eremot?
crackvariety Eternal Version: 1.39
I think it's certainly worth testing. I'm skeptical that it will actually be worth the market slot, as the spaces are super tight as is. That said, I think Eremot or even Gift are what I would cut to test it. Gift was actually the card I grabbed the least.
NoMaD24 Edited Eternal Version: 1.39
Really like the deck, good job. Considering the decks strat. is winning some/a lot of the games with hand destruction, Amethyst Waystone seems really bad in the deck. I didnt play that many games with the deck (around 40) but i just had to cut it, since it actually lost me games topdecking opponent a WinCon (do to the decks strat. you can actually tell xD).
crackvariety Eternal Version: 1.39
Yeah, I hear that. I'd say just 4 more sigils, deck needs undepeleted power on turn 1 often.

Glad you're enjoying the deck!
NoMaD24 Eternal Version: 1.39
Yep just 4 more Sigils is doing just fine. Since cutting the Waystones +4% Winrate in 34 more games.
crackvariety Eternal Version: 1.39
Awesome, that's a good improvement. Let me know any feedback you have on other cards, always interested in tweaking/improving!
NoMaD24 Edited Eternal Version: 1.39
I actually cut 1 Monument, 1 Standard and 2 Writs for more Sigils. Maybe its just me but i have been getting super bad Mana Bases a lot of the time and it just cost me games. I mean im still waiting to Transmute and play a single Writ and ive played close to 80 games with the deck. Still considering dropping the Writ copletly and maybe dropping another Monument. Its just that if you dont curve out you lose, ive taken a lot of decks to the late game, including control, but you almost always gonna eventually lose.
crackvariety Edited Eternal Version: 1.39
I can see that, I've experienced similar issues. Writ can definitely go down, may even be worth cutting altogether. I believe it has been relevant in 5ish games total. However, there were a number of losses where I was at 7 power and topdecking a transformed Writ was my out.

As far as Monument and Standard go, unless I'm super tight on power, they are my turn 1 play or I hold them to transform. The lifestealing body has been helpful and a fast spell giving quickdraw with the high density of deadly units is key to getting through Time based deck board stalls.

As far as against control, the late game feels like a coin flip, and that's where missing the Waystones kind of hurts. They are usually guaranteed to hit a draw spell anyways, and you need some access to more cards. Typically, a Vara/Vara's Favor to pop aegis into Burglarize has been the win con, and it just comes down to drawing those exact cards.
NoMaD24 Eternal Version: 1.39
Yeah i prob just gonna lose the Writs and stick to a 3-3 split on Monument and Standard
crackvariety Eternal Version: 1.39
Fair enough man. Will definitely help with the consistency of Marionette Cross
flippyflop Eternal Version: 1.39
world first mono shadow masters poggers
crackvariety Eternal Version: 1.39
Tier zero deck building, new meta inc
Orion Eternal Version: 1.39
I love it. When I first started in Closed Beta, Mono Shadow was the deck I played until I could really start crafting. So far this deck is performing as well I'd hoped, and I'm not sad about crafting the Veteran Mercenaries. Today I've dusted 10k worth of stuff and spent it all (not for this list, I made some Rindra and a Dizo). As someone who's been irritatingly stuck in Gold I, I hope to be able to Masters with this deck. Just as soon as things like school and work stop getting in the way lol. Great work on this masterpiece.
crackvariety Eternal Version: 1.39
Glad you're enjoying it! Veteran Mercenary was a card I initially was skeptical of but the deck just needs the raw card advantage. Good luck on the grind, you got this.
Orion Eternal Version: 1.39
Veteran Mercenary is beautiful. It’s a good-sized threat, and has never drawn me a bad card. I’ve played it twice, and it won me both games. First was In Cold Blood, second was Cabal Tactic
damanjeff6 Edited Eternal Version: 1.39
he's never drawn me a good card :(
but at least it's good fodder for the merchant
crackvariety Eternal Version: 1.39
Those are some damn good draws. I've had less luck but that's probably due to sample size. Going to draw some garbage after enough games
Orion Eternal Version: 1.39
Yeah, eventually. I’m something like 4-2 with it so I don’t know.
crackvariety Eternal Version: 1.39
If you continue to play the list, let me know your thoughts! Always looking for input on what to tweak