Well I came back after a 8 month escape into my favorite MMO. So on my way back into Eternal I find out it has changed! From what I left to Jurassic Park. After talking to some of my friends I found out that Dinosaur reign supreme. So are you having troubles with Dinosaur decks? I decided to bring back a deck that was very dominant before I left. In this meta it is a meta killer! I decided to bring this deck back to bring extinction to the Dinosaur world.
The deck is very very fast and is one of the few very efficient decks ever made in Eternal. So for the players who need a deck that is not that expensive and has a very good win/loss ratio. This is the deck for you!
I return to Eternal this month too and climbed from bottom to Gold with this deck. I am still climbing and the win rate is certainly > 50%.