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Please help with this mess

Event Deck By

0 Card icon for Endure Endure x1 0 Card icon for Melt Down Melt Down x1 0 Card icon for Unearth the Past Unearth the Past x1 1 Card icon for Astromancer's Compass Astromancer's Compass x1 1 Card icon for Be Gone Be Gone x1 1 Card icon for Cabal Scavenger Cabal Scavenger x2 1 Card icon for Forge Wolf Forge Wolf x1 1 Card icon for Gift of Battle Gift of Battle x1 1 Card icon for Harbinger's Bite Harbinger's Bite x1 1 Card icon for Ironfist Faithful Ironfist Faithful x2 1 Card icon for Levitate Levitate x1 1 Card icon for Light 'em Up Light 'em Up x1 1 Card icon for Minotaur Oathkeeper Minotaur Oathkeeper x1 1 Card icon for Oni Samurai Oni Samurai x1 1 Card icon for Pitfall Trap Pitfall Trap x1 1 Card icon for Predator's Instinct Predator's Instinct x2 1 Card icon for Rambot Rambot x1 1 Card icon for Research Assistant Research Assistant x1 1 Card icon for Savagery Savagery x1 1 Card icon for Scorpion Scorpion x1 1 Card icon for Secret Passage Secret Passage x1 1 Card icon for Spire Spellsword Spire Spellsword x1 1 Card icon for Torch Torch x1 1 Card icon for Twilight Raptor Twilight Raptor x1 1 Card icon for Young Gun Young Gun x2 2 Card icon for Afterimage Afterimage x1 2 Card icon for Arcane Defense Arcane Defense x1 2 Card icon for Awakened Student Awakened Student x1 2 Card icon for Bar the Gates Bar the Gates x1 2 Card icon for Bold Adventurer Bold Adventurer x1 2 Card icon for Bring Down Bring Down x1 2 Card icon for Cabal Slasher Cabal Slasher x1 2 Card icon for Chancellor's Horn Chancellor's Horn x1 2 Card icon for Cloudsnake Breeder Cloudsnake Breeder x1 2 Card icon for Combrei Stranger Combrei Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Crownwatch Longsword Crownwatch Longsword x1 2 Card icon for Cull the Deck Cull the Deck x1 2 Card icon for Dragonbreath Dragonbreath x1 2 Card icon for Entangling Vines Entangling Vines x1 2 Card icon for Fall Short Fall Short x1 2 Card icon for Feln Stranger Feln Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Hojan, Crownbreaker Hojan, Crownbreaker x1 2 Card icon for Hooru Stranger Hooru Stranger x2 2 Card icon for Hotblood Barbarian Hotblood Barbarian x1 2 Card icon for Kerendon Steward Kerendon Steward x3 2 Card icon for Kosul Diplomat Kosul Diplomat x1 2 Card icon for Lethrai Ranger Lethrai Ranger x1 2 Card icon for Living Example Living Example x1 2 Card icon for Living Offering Living Offering x1 2 Card icon for Mob Rule Mob Rule x3 2 Card icon for Obsidian Golem Obsidian Golem x1 2 Card icon for Packbeast Packbeast x1 2 Card icon for Plunder Plunder x1 2 Card icon for Portent Reader Portent Reader x1 2 Card icon for Praxis Stranger Praxis Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Purify Purify x1 2 Card icon for Rebuke Rebuke x1 2 Card icon for Reinforced Tower Shield Reinforced Tower Shield x1 2 Card icon for Sandglass Parma Sandglass Parma x1 2 Card icon for Sauropod Wrangler Sauropod Wrangler x2 2 Card icon for Shamebearer Shamebearer x1 2 Card icon for Snowfort Trumpeter Snowfort Trumpeter x1 2 Card icon for Sparring Partner Sparring Partner x1 2 Card icon for Talon Dive Talon Dive x1 2 Card icon for Talon of Nostrix Talon of Nostrix x1 2 Card icon for Threaten Threaten x1 2 Card icon for Tinker Tinker x1 2 Card icon for Torrential Downpour Torrential Downpour x1 2 Card icon for Trail Runner Trail Runner x1 2 Card icon for Workshop Tinker Workshop Tinker x1 3 Card icon for Avirax Familiar Avirax Familiar x1 3 Card icon for Awaken the Ages Awaken the Ages x1 3 Card icon for Courier Albatross Courier Albatross x1 3 Card icon for Decay Decay x1 3 Card icon for Display of Instinct Display of Instinct x2 3 Card icon for Fireheart Recruit Fireheart Recruit x1 3 Card icon for Fledgling Avisaur Fledgling Avisaur x1 3 Card icon for Glacier Shaper Glacier Shaper x1 3 Card icon for Grandfather's Axe Grandfather's Axe x1 3 Card icon for Gravetender Gravetender x1 3 Card icon for Iceberg Shineefinder Iceberg Shineefinder x1 3 Card icon for Icebreaker Icebreaker x1 3 Card icon for Iron Hook Iron Hook x1 3 Card icon for Sandcrawler Sandcrawler x1 3 Card icon for Scavenge Scavenge x1 3 Card icon for Twinbarrel Twinbarrel x1 3 Card icon for Won't Be Pretty Won't Be Pretty x1 4 Card icon for Aerial Spotter Aerial Spotter x1 4 Card icon for Blaze Blaze x2 4 Card icon for Cabal Recruiter Cabal Recruiter x1 4 Card icon for Cloud of Ash Cloud of Ash x1 4 Card icon for Deranged Dinomancer Deranged Dinomancer x1 4 Card icon for Galeprowler Galeprowler x1 4 Card icon for Holdup Holdup x2 4 Card icon for Library Phoenix Library Phoenix x1 4 Card icon for Magma Javelin Magma Javelin x1 4 Card icon for Mass Entomancy Mass Entomancy x1 4 Card icon for Overheat Overheat x1 4 Card icon for Pistolwhip Pistolwhip x1 4 Card icon for Rabblerouser Rabblerouser x1 4 Card icon for Recombobulate Recombobulate x1 4 Card icon for Rejection Rejection x1 4 Card icon for Silverwing Avenger Silverwing Avenger x1 4 Card icon for Spiked Buckler Spiked Buckler x1 4 Card icon for Stalwart Shield Stalwart Shield x1 4 Card icon for Stinging Wind Stinging Wind x1 4 Card icon for Stonescar Magus Stonescar Magus x1 4 Card icon for Streetwise Informant Streetwise Informant x1 4 Card icon for Surveilor Surveilor x2 4 Card icon for Talir's Choice Talir's Choice x2 4 Card icon for Temple Artisan Temple Artisan x1 4 Card icon for Towertop Patrol Towertop Patrol x1 4 Card icon for Twinfang Cobra Twinfang Cobra x1 4 Card icon for Wurmstone Wurmstone x1 4 Card icon for Xenan Cupbearer Xenan Cupbearer x1 5 Card icon for Breathstealer Breathstealer x1 5 Card icon for Duelist's Blade Duelist's Blade x1 5 Card icon for Fiery Fissure Fiery Fissure x2 5 Card icon for Gun Down Gun Down x1 5 Card icon for Kosul Beastmaster Kosul Beastmaster x1 5 Card icon for Lurking Sanguar Lurking Sanguar x1 5 Card icon for Minotaur Duelist Minotaur Duelist x1 5 Card icon for Mithril Mace Mithril Mace x1 5 Card icon for Oblivion Spike Oblivion Spike x1 5 Card icon for Pensive Lumen Pensive Lumen x1 5 Card icon for Towering Terrazon Towering Terrazon x1 6 Card icon for Auric Captain Auric Captain x1 6 Card icon for Defender's Bulwark Defender's Bulwark x1 6 Card icon for Direwood Prowler Direwood Prowler x1 6 Card icon for Frontline Cyclops Frontline Cyclops x1 6 Card icon for Heirloom Blade Heirloom Blade x1 6 Card icon for Iceknuckle Jotun Iceknuckle Jotun x1 6 Card icon for Ironfist Archon Ironfist Archon x1 6 Card icon for New Order Watchwing New Order Watchwing x1 6 Card icon for Slimespitter Slug Slimespitter Slug x1 6 Card icon for Speardiver Speardiver x1 6 Card icon for Sunscorched Elemental Sunscorched Elemental x1 7 Card icon for Forgeborn Forgeborn x1 7 Card icon for Topaz Drake Topaz Drake x1 8 Card icon for Belching Behemoth Belching Behemoth x1 8 Card icon for Magmatic Sentinel Magmatic Sentinel x1 10 Card icon for Decimation Decimation x1 Card icon for Cobalt Monument Cobalt Monument x2 Card icon for Diplomatic Seal Diplomatic Seal x1 Card icon for Rakano Banner Rakano Banner x2 Card icon for Stonescar Banner Stonescar Banner x1 Card icon for Token of Ambition Token of Ambition x3 Card icon for Token of Honor Token of Honor x1


Cost Curve




Need help figuring out the correct build

Event Information

League - Chapter 26: Burning Hope
January 1-31, 2019
Kosul burns. From the ashes, the cunning find great opportunity.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2 2 3 2

Power Sources
7 6 3 4 7 1

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
112 42 14

Card Types
86 20 52 0 10


January 23, 2019


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



dishrag Eternal Version: 1.42.3
Rakanos aggro or if aggros not your thing you could try going longer with Combrei and maybe splash another color with tokens/strangers (i'm thinking maybe Fire because you have a lot of kill spells in Fire). In limited I generally try to push aggro before I try to go late unless I have a really good finisher. I could also see FSJ if you want to be a little more ambitious with your influence or just FJ.