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Argenport Happiness

Throne Deck By


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Welcome to my Argenport build! I got to #3 on the ladder sometime around early Nov with this deck. In my opinion Argenport is still pretty good despite the Bart nerf. It has tremendous value all over the place, and two of the best removal spells in the game.
Update: With this updated list 12/4 I'm already somewhere around top 50 MMR a couple days into the season.

A Note on some units/tech that aren't self explanatory.

Sabotage - All the decks that run sabo tend to run a full set of these. I think that's a mistake. 3 tends to feel more optimal. Your usually sad if you draw 2 of these in 1 game, since it very likely will be just be a dead card. Since we aren't running any natural card draw, every ounce of value counts.
Auric Sentry - a pretty underrated card imo. Great vs aggro, and decent vs everything else. A wall that builds warcry stacks can't be bad.
Cat Burglar - Fantastic when it hits. The meta has tons of attachment decks in it: Armory, Xenen, Praxis, Chalice etc. Even when it wiffs it's still a 3/2 deadly body for 3 which is fine. It's very optional though. Generally sabo is enough.
Copperhall Bailiff - This card is amazing. It completely cripples any go wide aggro, and great vs aggro in general. It also breaks aegis on a unit when played. Like Sentry, even by itself it's a threat since warcry stacks can get out of hand.
Plague - For those days when the ladder is like 85% aggro. Usually causes an insta-scoop vs shadowlands stonescar decks. I wouldn't recommend it though unless it's aggro day on ladder.
Steward of the Past - This guy helps against any graveyard recursion decks, and a 3/5 deadly is good. For more midrangey options I would definitely consider Impending Doom.

Inquisitor Makto Taken out. It's a good card, but doesn't synergize with the rest of the deck.

Tavrod, Auric Broker - Rito plz nerf.

Sword of the Sky King - A big ass sword. Why not? Certainly an alternate win con when you can't get there on the board. Goes great with our mini-armory theme.

Vara, Fate-Touched - Bringing back Tavrod forces an opponent to have a harsh rule or 2 big removal spells.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3

Power Sources
16 13 8 4

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
12 23 19 8

Card Types
22 6 22 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]


December 4, 2017

November 20, 2017


Eternal Version
The Pale Riders

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) December 4, 2017



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