the idea of the deck is to control aggro with hojan and cheap removals long enough to boardwipe. Push control with hojan+svetya until you can finish with either palace or ramp attachment or try to ramp into your market bear. Disrupt relic combo shenigans with austerity. Disrupt evenhanded with avigraft.
Everything else is there to just slow the pace of the game, valks are just the best answer on 3 and merchant just provides the best answer to nonsense hand disruption.
I honestly think this deck has a pretty good answer to any deck ive seen so far. Im mostly conflicted about a good 2 drop beside hojan but i just filled it up with nonsense. I dont think the 2 drop legendary does much but not sure what i could be using.
Unseal counters enemy avigraft and god forbid an azindals gift. Id need to do some testing but ive never really felt any problem with face aegis disrupting what i wanted to do because i dont have any hand disruption or burn to hit the face with.
Edit: told a lie, i do have some disruption with svetya and she has run into aegis before.