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Combrei Ramp

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A Combrei ramp deck that's off meta but still successfully plays at a masters level.

Beginning of the game: I typically like 3 power cards and ideally some combination of teacher of humility, find a way, Tocas, Initiate, Desert Marshall or sherrif. But definitely try to shuffle until you get 3 power cards, because a lot of your early game will depend on that.

Teacher of Humility rush can end a game quick(win condition number one), and if she appears later in the game, she makes a great card to get something out of the market. Eager Offering is a nice draw mechanism but the reason I really like it is that it has a lot of synergy with Sheriff Marley. It's actually happened a lot where I turn 3 Eager offering and am able to draw 4 Sherrif and use silence right away. This also puts less pressure on you to use Desert Marshal for silence since you have this option. Desert Marshal + Sherrif potentially gets 6-8 silences a game and that makes a huge difference.


Just play defensively and ramp. This is why Sheriff Marley I think is a pivotal card in this deck. Both with it having aegis and summoning an infinite 1/1s with aegis. Having your opponent use two removals goes a long way with getting the momentum on your side. Always wait until you have 5 power and 1 power card to play Marshal Ironthorn. Nowadays he gets removed after one turn, but going from 5 - 7 makes a huge difference, because of

Late game:

Telut!!(second win condition) What an amazing card with this deck. The 3/3 weapon on your unit is nice, but the -1 weapon is what I find most useful. It can shift an entire game with one move and along with ramping up to 9, this card is amazing. I'm debating getting 4 instead of 3, but I'll come back to that later after trying it out.

Martyr's chain(third win condition). And your ultimate trump card. This card rocks. With how much power you'll be getting out your deck it completely wins the game in a turn or two. If you can prioritize any card, it's definitely this one.

If you have ramped up, have power cards, and your units are removed, pit is an amazing 4th win condition. I find it's a nice anti justice mechanism because they'll typically play harsh rule early, while you can easily keep building up sand wurms. Its synergy with Sherriff is great because the 1/1 squires hold off while you build an army of powerful sand wurms.

the fifth condition is The Great Parliament. With how many justice decks are out there, it's sometimes difficult to get this out as a win condition, so that's why I don't worry and play with less than 8 power if it's my only unit option. I found it's most useful against Shadow because it forces them to use their removal spells on an army you can summon over and over since they tend to not have much anti flying countermeasures.

Finally the sixth and last resort win condition is Marshall Ironthorn's ultimate. If you get really lucky with your ramp, he has saved me a few times, but it's rare.

All the all other cards have great synergy. Sandstorm scarf is permanent anti air for a lot of the time, Desert Marshal is an amazing silencer(and I prefer it over Valkyrie for ambush). Once I craft sword of unity I think it'll add a 7th win condition and will really make this deck compete at a top level.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 4

Power Sources
17 20 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
8 22 11 28

Card Types
38 9 8 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Into Shadow [Set1004]


November 13, 2019


Eternal Version
The Flame of Xulta

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VoidKing Edited Eternal Version: 1.47.7
So, I beat the Gauntlet with the Even Solem deck, then saw this and thought, hey, my old Chainbrei is outdated, why not replace it with this?

Then, not five minutes after just beating the Gauntlet, beat it again with this.

There's something to this deck. Feels like it's found a great balance between ramp and big cards here. Wasn't sure, at first, but now, I'm convinced this deck is a step up from the old Chainbrie (and the old version I had still had Tocas, and this still performed better).

The numbers on cards, like the 2 Initiate of Sands or the 3 Teachers may seem weird at first, but the overall balance of this deck was spot on. Never did I get into a situation where I wished I'd had more or fewer of any card type, ramp or power-play (in the long run). I think the balance has been taken well into account by Astsai here.

I will say, I never once got eager offering, though, so I can't speak to that.

I'd recommend this deck, personally, though.