The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
No comment other than that this deck has been exceptionally good for me on ladder. I've climbed to a stable top 50-125 masters all the way from the ~350 range with this exact list.
The only matchup that feels mostly unwinnable is control--Feln and Chalice in particular.
The deck has a fair amount of tricks on the opponent's turn, meaning that your available lines of play are a little bit more robust than one might expect just glancing at the list.
The only matchup that feels mostly unwinnable is control--Feln and Chalice in particular.
The deck has a fair amount of tricks on the opponent's turn, meaning that your available lines of play are a little bit more robust than one might expect just glancing at the list.