The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
Deck Rarities
19 20 23 9
Card Types
28 8 19 0 25
Contains Cards From Campaigns
Separate Ways [Set1155]
September 14, 2024
September 1, 2024
Eternal Version
Separate Ways
BBCode For Comments
Deck URL
Revisions (Since last major patch) September 14, 2024
Hello! I'm sorry to inform you that this deck is indeed not very good. I was actually just storing it online for personal use and made it public by mistake. Though!.. I just updated it into something a bit more viable! However, most mainstream decks are more consistent and have way more ridiculous OP cards, so they beat this. Nevertheless, the ways you can win in order of most possible are: 1. Double damage Twilight Lantern with Ossuar Longbow, 2: Value plays with Finest Hour and Beastly Disruption, 3: Just general above average RNG, like getting the right skill with Quinn or getting good hunts and Crafty Infiltrations. My one advice is if you have Finest Hour/ Beastly Disruption in your hand, try to reserve power so you can cast them.
Nevertheless, the ways you can win in order of most possible are: 1. Double damage Twilight Lantern with Ossuar Longbow, 2: Value plays with Finest Hour and Beastly Disruption, 3: Just general above average RNG, like getting the right skill with Quinn or getting good hunts and Crafty Infiltrations.
My one advice is if you have Finest Hour/ Beastly Disruption in your hand, try to reserve power so you can cast them.