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You can make and eat a sandwich while you slowly win with this deck Ft. DeluxeSandwich (masters)

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Hey guys, I'm new to this deckbuilding site but I just wanted to post the deck that I've used to consistently climb to masters the last couple months since I've started playing. I really like and almost exclusively play control decks and ever since I opened Temporal Distortion in one of my card packs, it has quickly become one of my favorite cards and control decks to pilot.

While the list I have here is my current iteration and is the list I climbed to masters with, this deck is incredibly flexible and many of the cards can be swapped in and out with a huge variety of other cards. I'll go through some of the cards and possible substitution cards, along with the key cards in this deck in this section. Fair warning, there will be a LOT of text inbound. Read at your own peril.

Desert Marshal: Always include 4 in your deck if you can, easily one of the best early card drops in the game, great effect and the ambush body lets you hold it in hand until you absolutely need it.

Ephemeral Wisp: I've moved anywhere from having 4 of these in my deck to none. I've settled to 2 but you can add or remove as many as you like according to what results you have with them. They are great blockers for the aggro decks, and they come back every time you play a power card, allowing you to use entire turns to ramp or dig for more cards/mana without having to worry about getting smacked over and over again. I love this card and I would recommend it in your deck, however it can be swapped out if you just don't see any results with them.

Recon Tower: A surprisingly good card. Another card that lets you dig, although for 3 mana it can be quite slow/expensive to use. I really enjoyed this card so I keep anywhere between 2-3 copies, you can however sub it out for more copies of Seek Power or Find the Way if you would like. After three uses it becomes a Guard Tower which lets you slowly ping off units or even the enemy face if the game is slow enough.

Sandstorm Titan: great overstatted blocker that doesn't let anything fly, great for aggro and midrange and a solid body even in the late-game. I'd recommend 3-4 copies, however, if you don't have the shiftstone to craft them you can swap them for more Ephemeral Wisp or add in Lightning Strike[card] Lightning Storm, or Scorpion Wasp

Stronghold's Visage: For 5 mana gain 1+1 every turn it's incredibly slow, but can really help you stabilize in those games where you cut it incredible close with less than 10 or 5 hp. I've had many games where I've stabilized at 1hp and then healed enough with this card to survive topdecked torches or overwhelms. I'd recommend 1-2 copies in your deck. Remember when you play this card to do your math a little differently if you're calculating just how much your opponent can do to you next turn since you effectively heal for 2Hp per turn.

Sword of the Sky King: Big ass finisher, but not your main win condition. Don't be afraid to just equip it for the +8 armor and clear away some of the enemy board with it. I've toyed with having 2 but I'd recommend 1 copy, and if you don't own it then it's not a priority to craft.

Scourge of Frosthome: Great control breaker, great midrange combo breaker, the body can withstand lots of damage and deal out a bunch too, enough said.

A New Tomorrow: Win more is what a lot of people say about this card. They're wrong. The luxury of having a market now allows you to have certain cards like this and not having to worry about clogging up your deck. Against aggro, you'll never reach 10 mana to play this. Against midrange, you probably won't be able to reach 10 mana, however if you do and you find a turn where you don't have to fight for the board, rip this one out. Against control is where this card really shines, letting you ramp your mana to godlike levels and making your opponent regret their decision to queue up an inferior control deck. Not only does it give you an additional 10 mana to use every turn, it also drastically thins out your deck, making sure that you will never draw a dead mana card. Remember, the key to this card is picking the right time to use it, well that's the key to pretty much every card in this deck but especially with this one.

As I mentioned before, all of the cards in my list can be switched in and out, and the number of copies that you want to play can vary to suit your own needs based on your playstyle or what type of decks you're seeing more often on the ladder Ex. Too many aggro decks then run Lightning Storm, more wisps and cut a couple Channel the Tempest. Too many control decks then cut the wisps, run more copies of The Great Parliament and so on. Now I'll touch on the sideboard, commonly used/mentioned cards that I don't use in my build, and general playstyle with this deck

Scorpion Wasp: In a meta that is dominated with Icaria, the Liberator or mid range monsters that have aegis, this card can be a very powerful and necessary card in your deck, however, I faced many more aggro and mid range decks and not too many Icarias, so I swapped this out for Sandstorm Titan.

Equivocate Despite the fact that I don't run any copies in my current list, this is an incredibly powerful card in the current meta. It can deal with mid-range combo cards easily and I mainly used it to deal with those annoying Dawnwalkers. You can easily incorporate 4 copies into your deck if you like, and until recently it had a spot in my deck.

Aid of the Hooru: I used to run a copy in my deck, but at 12 mana its a HUGE cost for a very solid effect, however with my market being only 1 mana type I can't store this card in the market, and if you go against Aggro or Midrange decks which are currently dominating the meta, this card will be a dead card in your hand the entire game, against control its great, but my current list can already go toe to toe with the greediest control decks so this card was eventually cut.

The Great Parliament: I used to run 2 copies, then none, and now 1. It's a card that can be swapped out, and I haven't been too impressed by it. It's fun to use when you have your distortion up at the end of your opponents turn to surprise them with some finisher owls, and it's versatile enough that you can just play it as a single 4 mana 4/4 flyer to contest the board if you need. Not saying it's a bad card, it's just one that hasn't really resonated with me.

End of the Story: Purely a luxury card IMO. It's another harsh rule that has warp which can be nice, and the tribute, although powerful, will probably 90% of the time never happen since your deck incorporates so few units to sacrifice. If you have this card and want to run it then go for it, I'd recommend no more than 2 copies on top of your 4 rules.

Celestial Omen: Good card to dig, but with the introduction of market it's not really needed anymore, however if you want to you can still run a few copies if you'd like, but I wouldn't recommend it anymore.

PLAYSTYLE: Take your time with your turns on this deck, you need to sculpt out your plan and try to figure out how the game is going to play out not just the next turn, but for following turns after that too. You are going to get beat up in the early stages a lot, but you need to recognize when to just let them beat up on you while you continue to dig and ramp. You have 25 hp, let them cut off a chunk while you get your game plan going. Use your removal according to what you have in your hand, are you getting beat up with only 1 Hailstorm in your hand? Hold onto it as long as you can. Do they have 1 big threat and you have 3 harsh rules in hand? Don't be afraid to expend one. Also keep note of how many cards they have in hand, if you're against aggro and they have 5 cards, they will have more minions to reload the board with after you clear, so make sure you're smart with your removal. If they're down to their last 3 cards then don't be scared to use removal, they most likely have a monster + spell + mana card, or 2 monsters or at worst 3. Calculate how much damage you're facing down the next turn if you use an entire turn to develop your mana or draw, and see if you can get away with losing that much hp, the worst thing you can do is overreact to every threat and run out of cards to use. Against control decks, figure out what you're up against and throw away or keep removal accordingly. This deck can beat most control decks but that doesn't mean you can play mindlessly expecting to win. Your main win condition against control decks is Scourge of Frosthome so dig for that card. As for your merchants, you run 4 in your deck, so you can pull out whatever cards you need, but make sure you remember which merchant is your 4th one, and if you're running out of cards. If you're down to your last 30-20 cards and can't finish anytime soon, pull out Lumen Reclaimer and replenish your deck until your opponent gives up.

If you managed to read through all that, give yourselves a pat on the back, I can't even get myself to read the instructions on my shaving razor so hats off to you guys. Let me know what you guys think about this list, if you have any questions, or if you would like me to post my other control decks, as I said before I almost only play control decks so I have quite a few lists I can share. Enjoy playing incredibly long eternal matches from now on, I'm going to make a sandwich before my next match.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2 4

Power Sources
14 10 15 14

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
11 22 30 10

Card Types
16 7 32 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Jekk's Bounty [Set1001]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


July 30, 2018

July 24, 2018


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) July 24, 2018



Gregorious Eternal Version: 1.37
Great title for this deck
Ifrit Eternal Version: 1.37
Title so fitting =D
I created a similar deck. When you get enough time to set up just lean back, enjoy and wait for the opp to concede =P
At a certain point you just know it's over.