Hello everyone! So, some quick tips with this. If you have a hand with Evenhand Golem, varret, and Ripknife assassin, your first play should be either assassin or varret because they have proactive abilities. Golem is almost exclusively used as a bonus play. I'm honestly considering one more vanquishers blade due to all of the Reanimator decks I've encountered. The removal package seems subpar but it was apropos of my options.
Anyway, I've been steadily climbing ladder with roughly a 70% win rate. All of the cards in this deck appear to be safe crafts in my opinion and even the cards with less playability (such as Siraf), can be replaced with equally impactful cards.
Honestly I've never found the appeal to even decks until now. The way they are structured allows for great midrange plays, and good t2 plays and even powerful board floods in later turns. After I built this I gained an all new appreciation for evens and odds can go fuck right off.