A deck focused on ramping up to play a
Cykalis, the Burning Sand or
Moonstone Vanguard, slap a
Divining Rod on it, and pray for the best.
Pledge counts as a keyword for the purposes of
Divining Rod, which allows many of our lategame units to be played for free.
Mulligan heavily for a Pledge unit as in most pledge-centric decks, as
Glasshopper and
Bear Guard Bayonet become extremely good for the cost if you have pledged.
Permafrost and
Scorpion Wasp used as removal choices due to heavy play of
Vargo Redclaw
Divining Rod hits by card:
Scorpion Wasp:
Apex Predator
Cykalis, the Burning Sand:
Moonstone Vanguard | Eilyn, the Rising Storm | Mokhnati Restored | Apex Predator
Moonstone Vanguard:
Cykalis, the Burning Sand | Eilyn, the Rising Storm | Apex Predator
Eilyn, the Rising Storm:
Cykalis, the Burning Sand | Moonstone Vanguard | Apex Predator
Mokhnati, Restored
Cykalis, the Burning Sand
Apex Predator:
Scorpion Wasp | Cykalis, the Burning Sand | Moonstone Vanguard | Eilyn, the Rising Storm
Bear Guard Bayonet attached to any creature:
Mokhnati, Restored | Cykalis, the Burning Sand
V1.1 Changes
Scorpion Wasp
Divining Rod
Cykalis, the Burning Sand
Sandstorm Scarf
Divining Rod
Added Hailstorm to improve aggro matchup, moved a Rod to the market for more access to it.
Argenport ! rising up for glory
Not sure if that upside is worth losing out on guaranteed value or another more traditional market option.