Edit - Currently 5 and 3 in ranked, but I feel that some of my opponents conceded early. Swapped a diplo seal for a primal sigil to make chalice more playable.
This deck has been very fun in gauntlet, and I haven't tried it in ranked yet.
Rather than go through card by card, I think it's best to just explain the synergies with this deck.
Broti, Realize Potential, Yisha and Accelerated Impact out of the market all enable the low attack, high defense units in the deck. Hagra into Realize Potential has been particularly effective. Also, notice Praxis Arcanum's refresh can give a unit effectively +4/+4.
Xultan Emissary draws cards off of all the heroes, and can particularly go off with Praxis Arcanum.
Gerrit and Bastion of the Dawn out of the market can keep Yojimba from being silenced, or Broti/Realize Your Potential can make him hit hard anyway.
Praxis Arcanum's accelerate has utility with both Broti, giving your units better damage out of nowhere, and Yojimba, letting you draw before they can silence him.
Broti, Hagra, Garret, and Yisha are all soldiers for Argo's Technique, which is also just good at protecting your units.
That's that. The powerbase is a little shaky, and I often don't have the right influence. Diplomatic Seal has been unreliable. Comments and suggestions are welcome.