Just ran this list through D3 up to Masters. With a 12 winstreak.
The list is pretty straight forward. You want an opener with either
Initiate of the Sands,
Teacher of Humility, or
Moonstone Vanguard. And then you just drop big guys and put pressure on.
Aggro: our units are bigger and more resilient. So ramp up and drop your load. Watch for the response window for them when they are at 1 power so you can get an idea if they have
Torch or
Finest Hour and play accordingly.
Midrange. Basically the same plan as above. But be wary of 2 for 1's. And the best line of play when you have them low-ish. Bait them to expend their power to clear the board, but have already got
The Praxis Arcanum out of the market, with any of the non-charge units in hand. Catches them unaware everytime.
Control: They need to out value you. Do not let them. Just assume they have Harsh Rule play like they do. Do not flood the board, make them deal with 2 units, before you deploy more.
The Praxis Arcanum is a great card against them if you can give Vanguard charge. Since a lot of our units have charge or they draw a card as long as we do not get greedy we can usually out value them.
This is Team Crescendo,
Good Luck!
If thats ya eternal name above, it didnt work.