Ok, it's a deck what I've been using in this event from 4th match in 2nd run, and on 3rd, 4th and 5th.
2nd round after a deck switch ended 3-4, 3rd-5th 6-1 each. 28-7 in the end.
Tough match-ups are obvious - SS Sacriface and Xenan Sacriface.
Most of the cards seems obvious for mono Fire deck.
I wanted to test some cards that will not likely see play otherwise + write my experience.
Flamefang Charmer - 2/2 for 2, with potential to give us cheap 3/1, along with Blitz Stone it can be or be not a good hit, also often target for burn, that can save more valuable units, but still not recomended.
Stoneshaker - 1/1 for 3, reducing costs for free 1's is nice, because we can play more cards or use power to play that "shock" from
Rune of Flame, combined with Ghodan was sweet, of course it's debatable if You should play this.
Market: Jekk for double removal + value
Crimson Firemaw - cheap 5/4 flyer that can provide nice value and win the game if not silenced/executed
Ghodan, Undefeated - 5/5, can be brought earlier thanks to Shavka's Evangel + Yeti Pioneer
Hellfire Valkirie - 4/4, dmg or free card, shater defenders with Corrosive Dagger
Midas - nope, big nope, my mistake, thought he will have a lot of more value, repleace with something else like Inferno Den, Phoenix Stone, Galai, Zuberi, whatever cheaper and more efficient