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Throne Deck By


Cost Curve






Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 4

Power Sources
24 17 16

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
19 18 21 13 8

Card Types
30 16 9 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Separate Ways [Set1155]


September 18, 2024

July 20, 2024


Eternal Version
Separate Ways

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



abbaabbaabba Eternal Version: 24.06.19
Although this is a well known archetype, I was a bit skeptical about certain cardchoices until I saw the gameplay vids you provided.

This deck's engine is very fast, units get back on the field (or in the hand) all the time, and you often get to buff them a lot every turn.

As usual, you've made a fun deck that can actually win a lot of games.

Some of the weaknesses:
- Does Felrauk really do enough?
- The strategy is very linear and therefore vulnerable to all kinds of disruption. If the opponent stops void antics or one key card, it's over.
- Lacks defense and removal.
bobbysnow Eternal Version: 24.06.19
I might be legally blind but how do we get Poison The Well from the market?
MickyS Eternal Version: 24.06.19
No worries, I'm illegally retarded. If your opponent plays 2 units, it'll cost 1.
bobbysnow Eternal Version: 24.06.19
Oh, that is quite clever actually! Should try it at some point
Bradifer Eternal Version: 24.06.19
2-3 Kelmac’s Spear might be super relevant off mill triggers.

There’s not a ton of heroes but Severin & Nico recur often in this deck.

Not sure what to cut for space though.
Aaaaaaaaa Eternal Version: 24.06.19
Sounds great.
Then we should cut proof of journey lol
Mooper Eternal Version: 24.06.19
i like the deck a lot. i subbed in kelmak spears and elding and have been enjoying grinding gauntlet with it (since i only play gauntlet usually). i subbed out faceless one since i wasn't a fan of it not blocking and condemn since it felt like i never had enough cards to trade in for a market. might try subbing both back in to replace proof of journey cause after seeing you mention it, it does feel like the least impactful relic