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Rakano Valkyrie�s

Piloted by
Team Eternal-ESP


Cost Curve



Tournament Information

ECL Casual Friday
August 10, 2018


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
15 23 12

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
16 18 24 14

Card Types
23 9 22 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]


August 11, 2018


Eternal Version
Balance Changes

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



Owner Eternal Version: 1.37
Hello, i almost have the cores of this deck. Just wanna ask hiw does this fair on current ladder? Most of the decks i run into are either skycragg or praxis tokens, like 70% of the time. So just wanted to ask if this deck has some consistency against those decks.
Alphil Eternal Version: 1.37
sword of icaria is very effective against aggro that weapon destroy skygro for example
Alphil Eternal Version: 1.37
hi dude with this deck i do it master in 2 days, actually top 200, is fair for ranked but depend of yor rank in lowest rank you see more aggro, sorry for my english XD
svrQQ Eternal Version: 1.37
Relic weapons are horrible against wide aggro decks. If you're facing aggro cut 4 Sword of Icaria for either Whirling Duo or Unseen Commando. Duo is probably better since he has charge and will more likely heal you.

Owner Eternal Version: 1.37
Thanks a lot
svrQQ Edited Eternal Version: 1.37
I'd try this list since it's a top of the ladder list and ladders different from tournament. Like, Rise to the Challenge is 4 mana do nothing which is asking to die from skycrag/tokens.
Owner Eternal Version: 1.37
I dont have amili though :(
svrQQ Eternal Version: 1.37
She’s pretty awful against crap and tokens warden is OK.
Owner Eternal Version: 1.37
Hey thanks a lot man. I will try that. I hope it can carry me from diamond 2 to master.
svrQQ Edited Eternal Version: 1.37
Yeah no problem mate. Feel free to ask for more help in real time on the Eternal Discord.

Personally I'd run Harsh Rule at the 5 slot if there's a lot of tokens. Tokens usually doesn't kill you fast enough for Harsh to be useless. They just sit there amassing guys and waiting for an obelisk/Rally.

Crownwatch Standard is also doing a ton of work for me against . . . everything with units.
Owner Eternal Version: 1.37
Cant find you on eternal discord man.