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void value

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




Not sure what to call this since the unit combat feels like tempo/midrange, but the card draw feels control/combo-y. The engine is: 12 cheap units that trade up or entomb for value, 12 cards that put them in the yard for value, 14 cards that recur stuff from the void. Removal is 8 ways to give deadly units killer, and a couple each of unit and attachment removal. Wincons are beating on the ground with Varas and growing Thornbeasts and beating in the air with Memory Dredgers and 2/2 gargoyles.

Not sold on my power base, or the size/contents of the removal suite. If I were to trim the engine, what should go? And what would get added? Deathstrike? Vara's choice?

Deck is strong vs voltron and swarm strategies and damage/kill removal. You beat Tavgod if you hit your 2-card unconditional removal combos, you lose if tavrod gets more than one attack.

Deck is weak vs silence effects, bigger control/combo style decks. Disjunction is basically there for control finisher relics (chalice, flamestoker, etc


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
1 1 3

Power Sources
12 11 18 16

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
30 28 4 4

Card Types
24 0 26 0 25


February 12, 2018

February 9, 2018


Eternal Version
Draft Changes

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) February 12, 2018



Heckinbamboozle Eternal Version: 1.28
Also, any thoughts on strategy/deck changes vs Echo Makto? Really struggling against that matchup lately, to the point where Abzan colors and an alchemist or piercing grief makes me tempted to hit concede. It just feels like I'm not fast enough to get in under their lifesteal, their top end is bigger, and I don't have enough silence to keep them off it.