Not sure what to call this since the unit combat feels like tempo/midrange, but the card draw feels control/combo-y. The engine is: 12 cheap units that trade up or entomb for value, 12 cards that put them in the yard for value, 14 cards that recur stuff from the void. Removal is 8 ways to give deadly units killer, and a couple each of unit and attachment removal. Wincons are beating on the ground with Varas and growing Thornbeasts and beating in the air with Memory Dredgers and 2/2 gargoyles.
Not sold on my power base, or the size/contents of the removal suite. If I were to trim the engine, what should go? And what would get added? Deathstrike? Vara's choice?
Deck is strong vs voltron and swarm strategies and damage/kill removal. You beat Tavgod if you hit your 2-card unconditional removal combos, you lose if tavrod gets more than one attack.
Deck is weak vs silence effects, bigger control/combo style decks. Disjunction is basically there for control finisher relics (chalice, flamestoker, etc