The ShiftstonedEternal Power Calculator is a deck-building tool that visualizes your odds of drawing enough Influence and Power based specifically on the cards found in your deck.
Got intrigued by this deck since I've recently started the game so i don't have anything to play with. Would you recommend this over for a starting point of a control player?
I think that this deck would very likely win more matches than SunnyVeil's list because it has more win conditions and more card advantage. However, Chalice is not a particularly good card. It requires a deck to be built around it, and that deck at higher levels is not truly competitive (not that it can't ever win against Tier 1 decks, but it will lose more than it wins). The player I designed this deck for already had a playset of Chalice. All of the cards in SunnyVeil's list are good cards, so while I don't think it would do as well competitively it may be a better use of limited Shiftstone. One thing worth noting is that the card Howling Peak is extremely popular right now, and that budget TJP list was made before set 6 was released, and so quite logically does not have ways built in to the deck to attack sites (they didn't exist at the time).
Well since i'm at the beginning i generally don't care if i will win every single match, as long as i don't lose every single one. I'm just searching from some beginning deck to start with, and maybe improve the deck later on. Sad that i can't find any budget feln decks that could be made with my 10k shiftstones. Do you happen to know some other list that u could recommend, since this is possibly the only budget control list i came upon for the current patch so far.
Unfortunately, budget control is quite difficult. Control decks tend to be made up of a bunch of card draw and removal and then a relatively small number of resilient win conditions. But those win conditions are very important, and most of the good ones are Legendary, and thus expensive. As far as budget goes, Fire/Justice aggro or Fire/Primal aggro tend to be much more competitive.