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Skycrag Aggro Masters

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Nothing really special about this deck, but it carried me from Gold II to Masters really quickly. Seems to be an aggro-friendly meta at the moment. I only have 3 Pyroknights in my collection, so I added Vadius, Proud Duelist. Wasn't unhappy with it when i drew it, because often the enemy used a removal spell on him so i kept the Chakram and didn't buff enemy units. Probably i would have had some Scythe Slash instead of Pummel/Rampage in it, but it is buggy at the moment and sometimes can't be used fast. The last games I have in my history result in a 9-3 statistic, which feels representative, so have fun climbing the ladder quickly!


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 2

Power Sources
17 16 8

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
24 10 24 5

Card Types
36 0 19 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Whispers of the Throne [Set1085]
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]


January 17, 2021


Eternal Version
Empire of Glass

BBCode For Comments

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Bougredane Eternal Version: 21.01.13
Thanks for this deck!
quickly diamond 3 to masters with it, 8-1
Collector80 Edited Eternal Version: 21.01.13
Good to hear it's still working. When I reached masters I switched to Expedition. Still looking for a successfull deck there, it seems that I don't have enough legendaries/rares from EoG to build a successfull Expedition deck. I don't like to craft cards for Expedition, because often they aren't relevant no more when the set gets removed from Expedition. For Example Equalize: I don't think it will be very usefull to me when it gets kicked out of Expedition...
CleverFire Eternal Version: 21.01.13
I almost lost a draft game due to scythe slash, I thought I had mis clicked in combat on my iPad. Good to know.
Arete Eternal Version: 21.01.13
Turning off smart auto pass, made scythe slash work correctly for me.
Collector80 Eternal Version: 21.01.13
Thx, that works! So they should increase the smartness of the smart auto pass...