Main Deck
the basic idea is to play ooficer from the market to make
Gelatinous Form cost 1,2 or 3 then play it for cheap and amplify it many many times.
Honored Skyguard could beany draw option - i went with a unit for synergy with
Strange Gladiator and to give me 1 flyer as the deck has none and feel it needs something to counter other flyers. The stranger is also in there as an option to counter relics which i feel is usually needed in a deck as you will face a relic deck enough times.
insight has been an amazing draw/discard outlet in the deck and mostly try to discard excess power for
Arcanum Hourglass
Strategize is there to filter and bottom drawn gel forms
i went with slightly fewer merchants than I have seen in other officer market decks, to try and get gel form to cost 1 or 2 rather than 3