This is still something I am working on so still needs to be fine tuned. the premise is pretty simple, you play efficinet units that do multilpe things, every unit we run has a secondary ability.
We run a heap of removal, between the market and main deck there are full sets of
Hailstorm, Lighting Strike,
Ice Bolt and there is the additional benefits of
Ice Sprite,
Sodi, Wingbreaker and the
Clan Standard, giving you up to 24 removal options.
There is a lot of card draw in the form of Lighting Sprite,
Wisdom of the Elders and sodi allowing you to either cycle unused cards or keep your hand fresh.
Only just started testing in on the ladder, but it has been very succesful on the gauntlet.
Currently, mostly using messenger hawk to target windshaper, but can be used to increase your removal if necessary, or also to target the captain. but I am not too sure about this card..
Also a bit unsure about Ice bolt, is necessary for bigger threats but I do not like the ramp it provides and this has caught me out a few times.
suggestions welcomed