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Building NightMaul the right way

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Pretty standard stuff for the most part. Game plan is explained in Budget Maul (with mini-guide and explanation) if you're interested.
I'll give you some explanation for my card choices and why I think this is one of the better ways to build the deck.

Transpose market + main deck Maul: Since Maul is the finisher of this deck that you cast and just win, it seems to be the perfect market card. My argument for running it main deck: You want and I mean WANT to draw exactly one of this each game, alright. So you put it in the market with Jennev Merchant, cool. Now you still have 4 draws that give you maul. You've just made maul cost 3 more without adding consistency. But wait, what about also running Great Valley Smuggler? Then you're running 3 cost 2/2s in your deck, a tempo deck that heavily relies on its early game chip damage to make Maul kill the opponent. What's the point of drawing Maul when it doesn't kill the opponent when you cast it? So we're just running it as 4 of in main, yes drawing 3 of them sucks but this is imo the best way to build it (and don't worry that much about drawing the first one, between all the nightfall and Unraveling Fanatic, you'll be drawing cards like there's no tomorrow).

Now to Transpose: This card is GREAT in this deck mainly because of 1 important reason: it pops face aegis. This deck normally doesn't have many ways to push Maul through aegis, but this card enables that, and if it doesn't, it's just 2 face damage; even that's fine for our gameplan. I'd rather have this instead of Jennev Merchant every time.

Market choices:

Cykalis, the Burning Sand: Damage, simple and good. probably the most frequent pick from your market. You can also run 4 Cykalis, the Burning Sand main for more damage and move Albon Roa, of the Order here instead. I prefer Roa in main better and especially like Cykalis in market. Transpose+ Cykalis is 7 surprise damage to win the game.

Xenan Obelisk: The second damage pusher. Pretty good if you have like 3 guys on board, also game winning if you have 8+ max power.

Saber-Tooth Prideleader: Great against relics, great against aggro; you'll take this card a lot of times and feel pretty good playing it.

Turn to Seed: Just got nerfed to 4, I think it's still fine in the market against some weird decks or makto maybe?; just don't be stupid and lose tempo by mistaking it for a normal removal spell, it's not, it doesn't give you tempo. Rain of Frogs is probably better here to be honest.

Tidal Forces: Suggested by OneAntic.
seems to work perfectly with everything this deck is trying to do. If this card ever becomes good, it's in this archetype.

Now to some additional cards:
Initiate of the Sands: I really think you're doing something wrong if you're not running 4 initiates in your nightmaul deck. You're drawing 2 or 3 cards most of your turns so you can almost always use all your power every turn. Just dropping this thing on turn 1 increases your performance by a shit ton. turn 2 3 drop, turn 5 Maul, turn 3 double 2 drop/Albon Roa, of the Order....All these plays are oppressive. Put this in, thank me later.

Unraveling Fanatic: Dies to snowball:( but when he works, he WORKS. He is an extra night effect on his own. if you have a Disciplinary Weights (from Teacher of Humility) on them, his effect gets much better (to be fair that stands for half on this deck) The guy can win the game singlehandedly if left unchecked. I just like the card. It's like the alternative wincon. You can run something else if you don't want your 3 drop to die to snowball and lose the game because of that.

Baying Serasaur: works really well with all parts of our deck. Not that hard to get him to punch for 5 or even 6. Really like this boi, just wanted to mention that.

Final note: This deck is meta dependent (I actually don't know exactly what kind of meta suits this; probably some form of slow control-ish midrange decks with card draw and fat units are the best target because of bounces and Maul) regardless, I really like nightmaul, I've always had, and I'm trying to find the best version of the deck, and I would love to hear about your ideas about improving it. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it, and feedbacks are more than welcome :)


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2

Power Sources
22 19 16

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
16 27 19 4 5

Card Types
34 5 16 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Into Shadow [Set1004]
Trials of Grodov [Set1006]
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]
Awakening [Set1095]

Tempo Combo

November 5, 2020

November 4, 2020


Eternal Version
Bastion Rising

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) November 5, 2020



stormguard798 Eternal Version: 20.12.04
Hi, I found this deck after WithcyDiana played it on TNE. :P I have a couple of questions about the composition given the very heavy Yetis meta right now.

-In the 3 drop slot, would you be considering Lethrai Darkstalker given how fragile Fanatic is right now to Snowballs, or is there something different?
-On the note of Snowballs, would you consider playing Jotun Hurler to get Snowballs since you do have 3 Dazzle to plunder them + 4 market access cards, or is it just too antithetical to your game plan?
-Has something like Pause for Reflection been considered to just add to their units in hand, or has it been too narrow?

Thanks! :P
Watermelon Eternal Version: 20.12.04
Hi there. For the yeti meta, the best thing is honestly running a different deck. Nightmaul is good against control and greed, night helps yeti than your deck. Regardless, the 3 cost 2/3 charger that puts spiders in the enemy deck (amaran stinger) is a great alternative to fanatic in a meta full of snowball/varas choice. I would personally run that before darkstalker. Hurler is nice, but as I said before, yot generally want to run the deck in a meta where you don't need snowballs and early interaction. same goes for pause becuase they can just cast their cheap unit again. Be gone is better imo because it can bounce expensive stuff.
stormguard798 Eternal Version: 20.12.07
Gotcha. Thanks for the help! ^-^
Watermelon Eternal Version: 20.12.07
no problem <3
APoorPerson Eternal Version: 20.11.06
Honestly this deck has been some of the most fun I've had playing Eternal in a while ! I love the out of nowhere wins! Keep up the good work my friend.
Watermelon Eternal Version: 20.11.06
Thank you :) Glad you like the deck
OneAntic Eternal Version: 20.10.06
Daring Gryffyn or Tidal Forces would be my suggestion for the edict of grodov replacement in this deck. I also think Dazzle would be great in the main if you can find room, possibly by shaving the 4th copies of some of the less exciting cards to have in multiples.

Thanks for the solid build and comprehensive write-up!
Watermelon Edited Eternal Version: 20.11.04
Haven't tried tidal forces before, but it seems perfect with our gameplan. Dazzle is also pretty good, harsh rule counter that you can maindeck. Thank you so much for your suggestions. I've upgraded the deck accordingly