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(Master) Compass At Any Cost

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Used this variation of the classic at any cost deck to climb from diamond to masters. I've had my eye on the powerstone compass since its release and when I drew 2 I decided to take the risk and craft the set. I use the compass in place of a multitude of draw spells to allow for constant board control. I splash white for the relic tutor and the antique polishers are very helpful for an early compass. It takes a bit of fencing to get a compass out that will stick. I suggest trying to pair it with an aegis in this relic hate meta. Once it's out though the fun begins as you can chain spell after spell, the life steal and power draw effects of the shadow spells work beautifully with the compass too, and a 5 damage hailstorm after a double surge is oh so satisfying.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 4

Power Sources
5 11 20 11

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
21 14 31 8

Card Types
6 4 45 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Trials of Grodov [Set1006]
Shadow of the Spire [Set1087]


November 21, 2020

November 20, 2020


Eternal Version
Bastion Rising

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) November 21, 2020



IlDoppio Edited Eternal Version: 20.11.06
Guys im havin lots of troubles playing this currently in a 6 lose streak out of 6 matches since i crafted it..... for sure im missing the basics here... can you illuminate me plz?... i can't even pass the 1st gauntlet matchup....
Ambush Eternal Version: 20.11.06
My main advice would be to not hold your spells in anticipation of a compass keep the board cleared at all costs, use them freely, all you need is one or two to get the ball rolling once the compass is out, there are also the prodigious sorceries to keep in mind, other then that, try if possible to pair your compass play with an aegis to prevent the relic hate.
IlDoppio Eternal Version: 20.11.06
I always encounter 2 scenarios: 1) i got overrun with creatures and i dont have sufficient board clear to prevent that; 2) i got stuck with too much power and no spells at all.....
bootomline the relic hate is the very last of my issues :/
JoJoFC27 Edited Eternal Version: 20.11.06
Mate, I love this deck. I really do. But when it goes into power screw, you really go six feet under with your own hands.
Look at this for example:

I wonder if anything can be done with the power management, that's where this deck needs improvement. I would cut 4 Vara's Favor for another 4 Petition, if I only could. Maybe I'll try with Seek Power, but that would mean to add a singleton sigil for Time as well. Or I'll try Seek Answers if I want to spin the wheel of fortune.
Ambush Edited Eternal Version: 20.11.06
I haven't had too much trouble with it overall, yes awkward hands do arise at times, I wouldn't cut varas favour personally as it adds another chain spell plus lifesteal and deck thin, I do think seek answers could be the right way to go with a single time sigil. (Perhaps removing calibrate?) Let me know if you find substitutes you feel work better though. Cheers
JoJoFC27 Edited Eternal Version: 20.11.06
Nice shot to point me to Calibrate, as it often whiffs with no results and that's really annoying.
I am now testing it with -1 Calibrate, -1 Vara's Favor +2 Seek Answers.
I will keep you posted, and many thanks for sharing this deck. I was convinced as well of the Powerstone Compass and I already had the full set, but I didn't find a way to make it work.
Ambush Edited Eternal Version: 20.11.06
Glad to hear man, you prompted me to swap calibrate for seek power myself. Enjoy the deck!