So Mask has been a card the last few days Ive really wanted to be playing/building around. Ive tried a few Primal versions and they just dont quite do enought. This is the current TJS list Im messing with. Its mostly all in on Mask as you dont see cards like Siraf or Sword of the Sky King in the List. I had also been toying with the idea of having Beckoning Lumen for more draw as that is the main thing you get from primal but it didnt make the cut. Lunar Magus is another card with potential and if i were to play it id play a second moondial. Only silence we have is varas choice which can be week as Im choosing Dreamsnatcher over desert marshel. Snatcher is another lifegain source along with messing with your opp in those long games and we can ramp with Mask to get to it sooner.
Its all still a work in progress and something ill be toying with more.