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Wombo Combo Rakono

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




This has been a build I have been working on ever since I completed the Dead Reckoning campaign.
The main combo I wanted to build around was Sower of Dissent and Navani, Warsinger. You just have to wait until you get Warhelm because Navani, Warsinger does not stay around long. I have also seen a lot of games go where the opponent uses removal on Sower of Dissent clearing the path for Navani, Warsinger or Crimson Firemaw to stay on board a little longer.
The ideal progression of the deck is:
Turn 2: Crownwatch Paladin or Rakano Outlaw
Turn 3: Sower of Dissent
Turn 4: Valkyrie Enforcer
Turn 4: Rise to the Challenge for Warhelm or Navani, Warsinger
Turn 5: get in with Navani, Warsinger and the Warhelm

Sometimes just playing Crimson Firemaw or Navani, Warsinger on turn 4 to play Deepforged Plate on turn 5 is really back breaking.
It's also nice to have Rise to the Challenge for Icaria, the Liberator just to close out some games. This deck does not do well going long I think.

Well, thanks for checking out my list. Comments are more than welcomed.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 3

Power Sources
14 15 8 4

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
12 24 14 12

Card Types
30 6 14 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]

Aggro Midrange

June 8, 2018


Eternal Version
Sealed Deck League

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL



BadBug Eternal Version: 1.31.6
Thanks for sharing !
Have you tested it on the ladder?
Pope2014 Eternal Version: 1.31.6
I have been using it to grind the ladder. RNG hasn't been treating me good lately and I just dropped down to gold2 just now. It seems to have decent match ups as long as the opponent just doesn't have an answer for everything you do.