I tried running
Questionable Stain's Masters Greed Charge rod, and I noticed that just about every single time I drew heart of the vault it was a dead card. What's more, I often found that I needed more power draws *or* more spells for bulletshaper to toss (since let's face it, in the vast majority of games you're not drawing bulletshaper by turn 4). The solution?
Find the Way.
Find the way deals with influence problems, acts as a free card for bulletshaper to discard, and acts as a backup plan for if and when you don't draw bulletshaper.
Now you might say- oh, this deck is just random jank that can't win on ladder. I disagree. I climbed from silver 2 to masters this month playing pretty much exclusively this deck from gold 3 on. While it can get wrecked by aggro, feln control or hooru pacifier, there are enough favorable matchups out there to make the deck worthwhile. Going through Diamond 3, I had 7 wins to 2 losses. While a major strength of this deck is bulletshaper into answer the call on turn 4, find the way makes it so that this deck works just fine as a midrange deck if you never draw him.