Main Deck - work in progress
This works almost the same way as my red/blue/purple version of the westwind herald combo deck (posted) so for details on how the combo works see that deck - This is an entirely unnecessary and slightly harder version of the deck but is funny to pull off as, if you get the combo off it fills your board and you probably win anyway - but just for the memes or the loll's you can have another turn with clock of the stolen hours you just have to make sure you have a full board at the start of your turn - I have added a few ambush units in so you can block on their turn with one or two units and then ambush something to fill the board up again - in testing I was forced to let a lot of damage through to maintain a full board.
I might want to play a 4th copy of the clock as the +1/+1 is still good without the ultimate but not sure what I would switch out (not power) as 26 is needed to hit curve more effectively