Updated version of the Exalted Killers deck. The basic idea is to build up a board with exalted units and then give one of them Killer, which will allow you to build bigger Killer units that will again deal with an enemy unit, etc.
Kuro, Champion of Makkar can often be played when you get killer going, so you can redraw your units immediately.
Devour is a bit of an all star which you usually don't want to just trade in for value by sacrificing an exalted unit onto another unit for the cards and life (the exception are situations where you are power screwed or desparately need gas). You want to hold it to refresh killer, or to move a depleted aegis from an exalted unit to another unit in response to a sweeper (in both cases this can turn games). Sometimes you want to use it as a combat trick - attacking 2 Siphoners into a 2/2 with devour up is often good enough value. And finally you can also use it to move a big exalted units stats to an unblocked unit to get through for lethal.
Permafrosts tend to ruin my day more often than I think they should.