I love Katra but I have been unimpressed by every version of the Lifeforce deck I have seen and tried. Xenan Killers is one of my all time favorite decks and I have always wanted to combine the two. With Surgeon's Saw I think it is definitely viable. This is my first incarnation and it seems to perform quite well. You have tons of early removal with initiation, banish and annihilate. Bigger units can be killed by Killer from Carnosaurs and Venom Rider. Katra isn't necessary and could be replaced by Obelisk but she can get out of hand quick with a saw in play, so I thought I would try her instead. Let me know what you guys think! (Slug could also be replaced by Worldbearer or Thundering Kerasaur but he has great synergy with Katra. Plus, I always wanted to pair the Frenzied Omnivore with Slimespitter Slug for the memes) Also, I decided not to run with a market because of the anti tempo it causes and frankly, you need card draw more from Interrogator