A brew I made after opening both Horde Plunderer, Ironfist Chancellor, and a bunch of Spellcraft weapons that took me to masters. Lots of fun! Aggressive with some cute and fun combos: if Horde Plunderer and Chancellor (with weapons) are both out you can pay 5 to make a copy of Chancellor that gets all of the spellcrafts for free! Imagine, pay 5, get a dude, vanquish an enemy unit, stun a unit gain 2 armor draw a card, and give your whole team invulnerability!
Ok, magical Christmas land aside, it’s still a Hooru aggro deck with Commando and Enforcer, but also has surprising game against reanimator and decks abusing the void (looking at you Argenport Revenge Hour) thanks to Vanquishers Blade on any aegis unit with unseal backup. Struggles with aggro if Commando gets torched or you don’t draw him, but sometimes the tempo swing you can get with Plunderer and any of the weapons (especially Linebreaker’s Shield to get a big butt endurance blocker back on defense) can get you back in the game. Also I realize that 30 power might seem like a lot for an aggro deck that stops at 4 but generally you really want the power for Chancellor copies and to get the Spellcraft if you don’t have Plunderer out. If you’re flooding, ditching power into the market is always good to draw more gas or other situational spells. I realize this isn’t some gamebreaking Tier 1 deck, but it has enough juice to get there. I’ve been tweaking a lot but I’m not the greatest mind for deckbuilding so any suggestions are welcome! Thanks for looking!