Are you a greedy person who loves getting v-a-l-u-e!? look no further!! haha
I've always been a big fan of ramp and greedy decks and kairos has always been one of my favorite cards!
The deck plays quite simply! make sure you have ramp pieces on the first few rounds and just wait for Kairos!
Hive queen became such a powerhouse in this deck, which always struggled with survivability,
surveying the rift is incredible in this deck because you don't need tons of power cards, ixtol helps with that, trading him with more than one enemy is always valuable, and if you play him after kairos, that's 15 damage to face ! <3
also love to combo talir after kairos, replenishing all mana and playing a bunch of cards, similar to Rhum, playing all the relics from the market, especially infinite hourglass, porcelain mask, and xenan obelisk! Doomsday is a great finisher with porcelain mask! no change for defense!
Main problem is dealing with aggro combo decks, but should have enough early cards to help the ramp!
have fun!!
thx man!