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Sealed Pool

Event Deck By

0 Card icon for Helpful Doorbot Helpful Doorbot x1 1 Card icon for Affliction Affliction x1 1 Card icon for Ancient Bauble Ancient Bauble x1 1 Card icon for Champion of Fury Champion of Fury x1 1 Card icon for Combust Combust x1 1 Card icon for Dark Return Dark Return x1 1 Card icon for Farplace Finder Farplace Finder x1 1 Card icon for Firemane Cub Firemane Cub x1 1 Card icon for Gloaming Wisp Gloaming Wisp x1 1 Card icon for Jump Kick Jump Kick x1 1 Card icon for Lucky Prospector Lucky Prospector x1 1 Card icon for Savage Skybrood Savage Skybrood x1 1 Card icon for Snow Pelting Snow Pelting x1 1 Card icon for Swear Vengeance Swear Vengeance x1 1 Card icon for Tock Tick Tock Tick x1 1 Card icon for Trusty Revolver Trusty Revolver x1 1 Card icon for Weather the Storm Weather the Storm x1 1 Card icon for Worn Shield Worn Shield x1 1 Card icon for Young Gun Young Gun x1 2 Card icon for Copperhall Porter Copperhall Porter x2 2 Card icon for Dark Wisp Dark Wisp x1 2 Card icon for Eager Owlet Eager Owlet x1 2 Card icon for Hooru Stranger Hooru Stranger x1 2 Card icon for Into the Furnace Into the Furnace x1 2 Card icon for Lethrai Ranger Lethrai Ranger x1 2 Card icon for Longshot Marksman Longshot Marksman x1 2 Card icon for Minotaur Grunt Minotaur Grunt x1 2 Card icon for Noble Firemane Noble Firemane x1 2 Card icon for Sleeping Draught Sleeping Draught x1 2 Card icon for Storm Talisman Storm Talisman x1 2 Card icon for Talon Dive Talon Dive x1 2 Card icon for Trail Runner Trail Runner x1 2 Card icon for Yeti Windflyer Yeti Windflyer x2 3 Card icon for Ancient Defenses Ancient Defenses x1 3 Card icon for Auric Sentry Auric Sentry x1 3 Card icon for Baying Serasaur Baying Serasaur x1 3 Card icon for Crownwatch Legionnaire Crownwatch Legionnaire x1 3 Card icon for Decay Decay x1 3 Card icon for Dispel Dispel x1 3 Card icon for Duskcaller Duskcaller x1 3 Card icon for Feeding Time Feeding Time x1 3 Card icon for Granite Ring Granite Ring x1 3 Card icon for Icebow Icebow x1 3 Card icon for Lastlight Infusion Lastlight Infusion x2 3 Card icon for Lethrai Nightblade Lethrai Nightblade x1 3 Card icon for Moondial Moondial x1 3 Card icon for Prickly Grenadin Prickly Grenadin x1 3 Card icon for Serene Excavator Serene Excavator x2 3 Card icon for Showdown Showdown x1 3 Card icon for Skywalk Enforcer Skywalk Enforcer x1 3 Card icon for Tandem Watchwing Tandem Watchwing x1 3 Card icon for Temple Raider Temple Raider x1 3 Card icon for Toppletower Toppletower x1 3 Card icon for Vodakhan's Staff Vodakhan's Staff x1 3 Card icon for Voracious Fosora Voracious Fosora x3 3 Card icon for Wisdom of the Elders Wisdom of the Elders x1 3 Card icon for Xenan Destroyer Xenan Destroyer x1 4 Card icon for Barbarian Camp Barbarian Camp x1 4 Card icon for Curse of Taxation Curse of Taxation x1 4 Card icon for Duskwalker Duskwalker x1 4 Card icon for Grenadin Cannoneer Grenadin Cannoneer x1 4 Card icon for Ground Crew Ground Crew x1 4 Card icon for Guerrilla Fighter Guerrilla Fighter x1 4 Card icon for Hissing Spiketail Hissing Spiketail x1 4 Card icon for Ironclad Oath Ironclad Oath x1 4 Card icon for Jarrall's Frostkin Jarrall's Frostkin x1 4 Card icon for Mortar Mortar x2 4 Card icon for Nocturnal Kyrex Nocturnal Kyrex x1 4 Card icon for Rabblerouser Rabblerouser x1 4 Card icon for Recogulator Recogulator x1 4 Card icon for Shelterwing Rider Shelterwing Rider x1 4 Card icon for Slushdumper Slushdumper x1 4 Card icon for Striped Araktodon Striped Araktodon x1 4 Card icon for Swift Stranger Swift Stranger x1 4 Card icon for Throne Warden Throne Warden x1 4 Card icon for Viper's Bite Viper's Bite x1 4 Card icon for Wandering Forge Wandering Forge x1 5 Card icon for Awakened Sentinel Awakened Sentinel x1 5 Card icon for Bereaved Stranger Bereaved Stranger x1 5 Card icon for Deepwood Ranger Deepwood Ranger x1 5 Card icon for Fishing Dinoch Fishing Dinoch x2 5 Card icon for Gun Down Gun Down x1 5 Card icon for Hooru Fledgling Hooru Fledgling x1 5 Card icon for Jotun Hurler Jotun Hurler x1 5 Card icon for Jotun Warrior Jotun Warrior x1 5 Card icon for Skyrider Vanguard Skyrider Vanguard x1 5 Card icon for Triggerman Triggerman x1 5 Card icon for Umbren Coaxer Umbren Coaxer x1 5 Card icon for Umbren Thirster Umbren Thirster x1 6 Card icon for Aerialist's Khopesh Aerialist's Khopesh x1 6 Card icon for Challenge by Law Challenge by Law x1 6 Card icon for Crowd Favorite Crowd Favorite x1 6 Card icon for Iceknuckle Jotun Iceknuckle Jotun x1 6 Card icon for Malediction Reader Malediction Reader x1 6 Card icon for Oni Gunwright Oni Gunwright x1 6 Card icon for Prosecutor-at-Arms Prosecutor-at-Arms x2 6 Card icon for Roosting Owl Roosting Owl x1 6 Card icon for Slope Sergeant Slope Sergeant x1 6 Card icon for Timeworn Sentinel Timeworn Sentinel x1 6 Card icon for Valkyrie Arcanist Valkyrie Arcanist x1 7 Card icon for Repulsive Gorger Repulsive Gorger x1 7 Card icon for Topaz Drake Topaz Drake x1 8 Card icon for Ardent Bravo Ardent Bravo x1 8 Card icon for Belching Behemoth Belching Behemoth x1 Card icon for Amber Waystone Amber Waystone x1 Card icon for Argenport Banner Argenport Banner x1 Card icon for Combrei Banner Combrei Banner x1 Card icon for Crest of Cunning Crest of Cunning x1 Card icon for Granite Waystone Granite Waystone x1 Card icon for Hooru Banner Hooru Banner x1 Card icon for Xenan Banner Xenan Banner x1


Cost Curve



Event Information

League - Chapter 17: Enemies at the Gates
April 2-30, 2018
The summer the Clans swept down from the mountains remained fresh in the minds of those who had witnessed the carnage that followed.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2 2 2

Power Sources
1 3 3 2 3 5

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
80 30 10

Card Types
78 13 22 0 7


April 16, 2018


Eternal Version
Sealed Deck League

BBCode For Comments

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