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WOW F (Kerendon Super Ramp)

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




So a quick preface, I don't think this deck is good and it dies to aggro so it's meh at climbing, but man, this deck can do some stupid things sometimes.

This deck is a super ramp deck aimed at just jamming all the possible big dumb threats we can. Somewhat inspired by Tron decks in Magic but obviously nowhere near as powerful or degenerate as those.

With the release of Standard Inspection, Kerendon now has 16 pieces of decent ramp spells. Fitting nicely into the curves of 2-4 slots. Basically, you're going to want to try to aim to keep hands with at least one if not ideally 2 ramp spells. Threats are nice in hand as well, but this deck topdecks pretty well and our average topdeck is more powerful than most decks.

The powerbase is definitely wonky, but I wanted all the cylixes to help us draw late game and do something with all our power. We obviously need basic sigils to get off of A New Beginning, Lost Scroll, and Standard Inspection, and the one of crests are basically to fetch off of Display of Vision.

Some spice includes Sea of Teeth. Not only does this not really hurt our deck like most ramp decks, but it lets us kill relic strategies dead. It's also not bad against aggro and can buy time vs. other decks with many chump blockers. Plus the animation is really cool.

That and Ziat's Triumph also combo with Azindel, Revealed giving us a huge board to hopefully swing and steal our opponents deck.

One of the best cards however is definitely Subversion of Nature. Mainly you'll be using this to steal the opponents hand, but it can also just steal boards and end games with an alpha swing. Also combos with Ziat's triumph to steal our opponents board and board wipe them putting them into our void (Screw dredge) and Chronostorm to bounce units and steal them later.

Other than the above cards, we have the classic big ramp finisher cards like The Speaking Circle, Stormhalt Plating, and Builder's Decree.

Anyway, this deck bullies midrange decks pretty hard. Dies to aggro unless you have a good ramp hand with a board wipe and varies against control and combo decks. Face aegis and counterspells are rough.

Sideboard cards are cards you can experiment with. Decided on no market to maximize haymakers but a market can definitely be good as well.

Happy ramping.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 4 3

Power Sources
13 15 13 15

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
4 8 30 8 14

Card Types
4 4 38 3 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Into Shadow [Set1004]
Valley Beyond [Set1125]


December 10, 2023


Eternal Version
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Revisions (Since last major patch) December 10, 2023



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