This is the Space Jam: A New Legacy of sequels, but somehow good enough for top 20 Masters.
The removal suite is so clownish because nothing else in expedition can touch an Ageless Mentor'd SST, without resorting to running weirdo cards like Feeding Time or Deathstrike, which still wouldn't be good enough because they have a second SST waiting in hand.
Explanation of Clown cards:
Fluctuate Reality: This is an extremely bad removal and an extremely bad sweeper, but it also doubles as a wincon. The versatility of this is why its in the list. Your 1/1 Mandevilla is a must-kill threat with this looming, because it can turn into a surprise 7-drop. Same with your 1/1 Muck tokens.
Regression: Permafrost and Ice Bolt aren't good enough to remove Xenan's threats. Polymorph costs too much. Fatal Misstep requires holding up power. Technically any of them could be in its place, but I like clown cards so I like Regression.
Fall to Ruin: This deck just needs a panic button, unfortunately.
Rain of Frogs: t4 frogs their best play, t5 mandevilla their second best threat, t6 fall to ruin, t7 davia frogs what they have left and now they're in topdeck mode vs your Davia. This is also magical dream land, so this will never happen. But I repeat: I like clown cards so I like Rain of Frogs.