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Svetya Ramp

Event Deck By



Cost Curve




I went 7-2 with this deck. The goal is to ramp into Svetya. To that extent, all of the units are justice aside from ramp units, Ghar (he was okay), and Alhed (busted, as always). It worked out okay. I only played about three Svetya-buffed units during the whole run since just having a big, aegis unit was often enough.

Notes to some cards:
Porcelain Mask was pretty great. If your goal is to play beefy units, giving them all overwhelm is unsurprisingly strong. I even managed to silence unit with it once!
Sediti, the Killing Steel was just okay. He never managed to land Curse of Provocation on an opponent, but sometimes just having a 6/6 flier is enough.
Penitent Bull was great. It's stats aren't irrelevant but it isn't threatening enough to kill, so it often single-handedly got me to Svetya power.

Going forward, I'd recommend swapping Svetya for Telut as the hero and probably removing Eternity Core. It could be worthwhile to splash another faction (probably shadow). There are a lot of good multi-faction units, and the additional merchants means the market might actually be relevant. My market is still mainly speculative since with only three merchants and no card draw you're unlikely to ever see it. I only ever got to cast Shush and Stand Together.

Event Information

Unconventional Heroes
May 29 to June 4, 2019
Decks can contain only a single copy of non-power cards.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 5

Power Sources
15 24 13

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
11 20 21 1 16

Card Types
34 7 13 0 26

Contains Cards From Campaigns
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Into Shadow [Set1004]
Homecoming [Set1005]


May 31, 2019


Eternal Version
Dark Frontier

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