This is an Ixtun Howling Peak I got rank 1 with on January 12th 2019.
AFAQ (Anticipated Frequently Asked Questions)
Why no Xo? Because Xo is clunky as hell and this deck can't afford spending time off casting Treasure Trove when it wants triple primal on turn 5. Jötun Hurler is really big. It is a threat that must be dealt with.
Why no Burn Them All in the market? This deck is good at threatening Howling Peak and it's not the end of the world of they draw a sigil and play a Kaleb. Mitigating a Peak is easy and often just better than playing Burn in the market.
Why Choice over Bore in the market? This is a midrange deck that has must answer threats. Having a counter in the market is great for pressing an advantage.
Why no threat in the market? Red Canyon Smuggler is a threat in and of itself. Getting a counter (Choice) or removal (DIsplay) allows Smuggler to still be a proactive threat.
How do I pronounce Jötun? The J is soft. Jötun are a race of giants from Scandinavian folklore.
I am also having better success with it,thanks for posting such a great deck!
Also a killer of market choices!!
Very well thought out.