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Xenanport Mill

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




With the imminent release of FoA I decided to go back through my filled up deck lists and clear it out while working on some of my jank. I've played a ton of Mill decks since Set 3's release, hitting Masters several months straight with Argenport Mill, so I decided on working on those first. I've tried Mill decks in various factions such as Stonescar, Xenanscar, Felnport, Xenanport, Feln, Xenan, Argenport etc. So, this deck is mainly just a deckbuilding exersise, trying Mill decks in the various available combinations. This is my first attempt at redoing Xenanport Mill so there are still a lot of cards I need to retest like Vara's Choice, since I am currently running into a lot of Makto and Dawnwalker decks, Banish for Relic removal, and Nametaker for extra Mill. After that some more ramp targets like TLW or ANT might be tried.

The gameplan is fairly obvious, control the board while ramping and finish with milling your opp or Mask's Ult. Miris in mainly in the deck because of Encroaching Darkness, which might eventually get taken out. The lack of pings for face Aegis is definitely something I'll have to work out, adding in Vara's Favor will have demand some changes to the manabase.

FoA Update: Took out the Miris/Darkness package and changed up the removal suite to Slay/Annihilate for all the Time Midrange running amok. Still trying to figure out what I want in the market, 1x Dreamsnatcher, 1x Solitude, 1x TLW, and 1x Mask sound right. I'm not sure whether I want that Gift in there or a power of some sort. Argenport has always had access to one of the most power 2-card combos imo - Gift-->Harsh Rule. With the Vara nerf it's not quite as strong but still usually game ending. With 4x Merchants and +2x EoS this has a greater consistency of happening but it remains to be seen if relic hate pushing this out. As soon as I craft 3x Cull I'll throw those in somewhere.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 3

Power Sources
17 12 10 14

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
15 24 26 9

Card Types
19 10 27 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]

Control Combo

July 13, 2018

June 27, 2018


Eternal Version
The Fall of Argenport

BBCode For Comments

Deck URL

Revisions (Since last major patch) July 13, 2018



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