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3 color xenan lifeforce (post- echo Makto nerf :P)

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Seeing that echo Makto has been nerfed but Makto himself has survived this round of nerfs, this old deck revival should give you something to do with all the cards left?

Edit: deck has been tweaked
Version 1.01
Cult Aspirant x1
Temple Scribe x1
Stonepowder Alchemist x3

Lunar Magus x2
Dark Return x3

Cards,observations, tips and tricks

Stonepowder Alchemist has been underperforming of late. Losing that one health post nerf matters it dies way too easily now and doesnt survive trades anymore Substituting for dark return seemed an obvious pick. Many strong return options available.

Cult aspirant is still strong but 4 seemed excessive drawing this in a vacuum is very bad.
Temple scribe is just to small it gets overwhelmed by tokens and doesnt even trade properly with most decks... May consider cutting the last copy for another Lunar magus. We will see.

Deck Strat
Early Game
If you get a priest to stick and a cultist or katra to stick even for a bit u get value over time. Usually against aggro though just try ur best to control the board state so u dont get overwhelmed. Strong early game removal in the form of banish and slay will help here. Remember that vara's choice silences and removes attachments on creatures too so if that pesky grenadin gets equipped with that recurring chakram, chakram will get sent to the graveyard but does not trigger entomb.

Ayan, the abductor has always been strong. There are a few tricks to play him.Try to leave up some influence if you can. In that way, you can play him as a surprise blocker. Alternatively play him at the end of your opponent's turn means he can attack immediately on your next turn. Remember that his ultimate refreshes if he is drawn again using dark return so sometimes if you have the advantage you can consider that as an option

Lunar Magus is a surprising star. It survives most early removal like torch and benefits off not just your own but your opponent's nightfall triggers too. While not a dedicated nightfall deck we do have numerous triggers.

devour can be used as a form of quasi protection. If an important creature like makto will be silenced using devour triggers first causing the silence effect to "whiff" as no target is available.

Mid- late game
Try to determine if you have board control. If you dont its usually smarter to just keep tempting your opponent to commit to board then using harsh rule on it. Even if you have to keep commiting yourself to stay alive, do it. You will be surprised by how much sustain and reach this deck actually has. Save slays on priority targets if you can.

Late game your options open up An active moondial with enough mana to draw each turn and makto is hard to deal with
A few triggers on katra or cult aspirant can also work.
Alternatively immediately triggering Ayan the abductor on summon on your biggest threat is always nice

you should finish off your opponent in a few turns

Any suggestions are welcome


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 2 2

Power Sources
13 11 13 12

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
20 29 14 5

Card Types
22 2 26 0 25


February 27, 2018

February 26, 2018


Eternal Version
Draft Changes

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Revisions (Since last major patch) February 27, 2018



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