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The Flight of Fiery Valkyries [12-3 Throne]

Throne Deck By


Cost Curve




Hello my friends.
Some of you have seen and played my other decks.
Today, let me share with you my latest and my favorite of all so far. Yesterday I finally figured out all the cards for it to work very well.
12-3 in gold Throne today. 2 of these 3 losses were due to disconnects server-side. Got to diamond 3 from low gold 3 in one day, with it.

I What should you know about this deck?

First of all, everything in this deck flies, and I mean everything.
Second of all, everything in this deck (except for merchant) is either fiery or a valkyrie. Thus behold

The Flight of Fiery Valkyries

Wilhelm Richard Wagner-Flight of the Valkyries

II Deck cards and market cards overview.
I should say that this deck didn’t really work until I got the market right. Almost every card that is in the market made a difference multiple times and won me games.
1) Rujin’s choice - this is the most important card in the market and your go-to card that you will take out of it most of the time. Important uses of it in order of frequency:
a) to bring you Icaria the Liberator if you have enough mana for her or close or the second Icaria the Liberator after you have played the first one.
b) to fetch you baby Icaria to ramp you up if you need more mana. This should not be underestimated because it can be a very powerful play if you have 5 mana already.
c) to give you damage for lethal. Because everything in this deck flies your opponents will not usually have many blockers and some of your units will be able to get through.
d) in some rare cases you may want it to bring you Amilli, Cloudmarshall if you really need to play something massive on turn 5 and do not have good options in hand, usually against aggro.
2) Touch of Purity - this card is incredibly, incredibly strong with this deck. Having it in the market gives you a strong advantage against aggro. Aggro decks are very popular right now and without this card they will burn you down one or two turns before you overpower them with your units. Also remember that it will also give lifesteal to your torches and sears.
3) Pristine light - this is the only strong multiple and single target removal that this deck has and the least used card in the market, but still important. Use it if you lose board control. Reasons for removing other removal will be explained below.
4) Deepforged Plate - another very strong inclusion that improved this deck greatly for me. It has many uses that you will certainly see. Let me just tell you about one scenario. You have 8 mana. You and your opponent have exhausted your options and topdecking. He has spent his removal on your other cards. The only card you have in your hand is a green sigil. You draw a merchant, trade it for this card and immediately have ⅞ on board with flying, endurance and overwhelm.
5) Stormhalt Knife - pretty self explanatory, this is your last option against aggro if all else fails. Sometimes you use it against unitless control to give you weapon damage to face.
2. Main deck
1) Early Removal package
Because most of your units cost 4 or more mana you need something to fend off early aggression.
4x Defiance - the nerf has recently been reverted and it again kills 3 mana units also. Thank you DWD. Incredibly useful. Killed inflated 8/8 or so 2-3 mana units many times in your deck.
3x Torch - Torch is still very good. Not a fast spell anymore but still kills that pesky Teacher of Humility, annoying Blackhall Warleader or shifty Varret, Hero in Training. 3 seems to be the optimal amount.
4x Sear - Sear is what torch used to be, but a little bit more expensive. Remember that with expensiveness it also gained the ability to damage sites which is often very useful. Initially I switched torches for sears but after some consideration decided to keep both.
2) Dragon package
Sear and Torch is half of the fiery. The other half is our two beloved dragons, Crimson Firemaw and Xo, the Endless Hoard.
4x Crimson Firemaw - Crimson Firemaw is the best 4 mana flier in this game. The closest thing to it is Impending Doom and it actually tries to kill you! Crimson Firemaw (1) can give you 4 mana Xo or 3 mana Icaria if it hits the enemy player, (2) has a very cool roar, (3) most importantly, does not die to torch.
3x Xo, the Endless Hoard - Xo is another amazing very helpful dragon that (1) gives you card draw, (2) is your go-to target for merchant exchange in the early game, (3) you can actually play and attack with sometimes because this deck has so many other removal targets. Remember that if you have 8 mana it can hit face for 10 damage while attacking.
3) Merchants
4x Winchest Merchant - was recently buffed and is now a ⅔ so it can stand its ground very well against evenhanded golems and the likes of them. My preference of it over double damage 2/1 merchant was initially because I wanted everything in this deck to fly. If you want you may experiment with the 2/1 if you really really want Bore but I think this one fits this deck better because of the evasion it has that allows him to add vital damage points while your opponent has on the ground blockers.
4) Valkyrie package
4x Icaria, Valkyrie Captain - think of baby Icaria as your personal green Teacher of Humility. She is someone you want to play on turn 2. Yes, your opponent may have removal, but hey, he may not and then you can ramp on turn 3 nicely (try to make sure you have 3 playable power on turn 3). Also she can be very useful on turn 5 or 6 for immediate guaranteed ramp closer to the Icaria zone. It goes without saying that you want to hit 6 green influence as soon as it seems reasonable to see her in all of her beauty. Also she buffs your other Valkyries in hand that makes for example your Valkyrie Enforcer a very respectable 4/4 or better.
4x Valkyrie Enforcer - this gives you 4 silences in this deck which is as helpful as it sounds. For example you can torch/sear an enemy Icaria and then silence her. Also the Enforcer has valkyrie synergies and flies.
4x Valkyrie Spireguard - this card attracts removal and gives you 6-7 face damage potential on turn 5 if left unattended. It is also what gives this deck its cool tribal vibe. Initially I was choosing between him (her?) and Crimson Firemaw but, after much testing, decided to keep them both.
4x Amilli, Cloudmarshal - I think of this card as of a big green pillow that is very comfortable and lets you (possibly) sleep in the clouds. It is because of its stats. 4/8 is very comfortable and fluffy (ok I am falling asleep). It gives you bigger and bigger champ blockers when it attacks so unless your opponent has overwhelm you can often attack away with him.
4x Sediti, the Killing Steel - it’s Sediti, the Killing Steel. 6/6 turn 5 flier that can give you a very strong draw source (unless they remove your relic) if you have had board presence before playing him. I can confidently say that this deck has good enough powerbase to play him pretty reliably on turn 5 or 6.
4x Icaria, the Liberator - the Queen, the central card of this deck and the reason of and/or contributor to most wins with it. While you entertain your opponent with your other cards, you carefully set a stage for her to appear and to liberate him.

Please upvote and comment if you like my deck and/or has questions.

Unlike my other decks I haven’t tested this one in diamond for getting to masters capability, as I have had limited time to play this month and I will probably not have enough time tomorrow to play enough to get it masters. All I can say is to repeat what I have said above that I took it from low gold 3 to diamond 3 in basically one day and my last games played show 12 win - 3 loss ratio with it. As I mentioned earlier 2 of these 3 losses were caused by server-side disconnect issues this morning. I don’t have enough time to go to masters tomorrow this time probably but I can say that I believe that as of today this deck is good enough to bring you to masters comfortably.

To be continued tomorrow.

5) Power package
3. Rejected cards Geomar, Greatbow Roland intervention Harsh Rule site in the market

III Strategy

IV Matchups guide

V Mulligan guide

VI Crafting guide and cheaper card alternatives guide (maybe)

VII Final thoughts


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
3 5

Power Sources
18 23 16

Power Calculator
Shiftstoned Icon View Deck on Shiftstoned

Deck Rarities
11 18 17 25

Card Types
35 2 18 0 25

Contains Cards From Campaigns
The Tale of Horus Traver [Set1002]
Dead Reckoning [Set1003]
Homecoming [Set1005]


April 30, 2020


Eternal Version
Whispers of the Throne

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