Deck Archetype I've been trying to make work for a while now.
Relies on solid value creatures/removal spells being played on curve, overwhelming the opponent before the can get going, or leaning on heavy blockers to stabalize vs aggro.
Deck works decently well, but I feel like there are a lot of different ways it could develop.
Ripknife Assassin,
Teacher of Humility,
Awakened Student,
Crownwatch Paladin, and
Argenport Instigator are all awesome 2 drops in these colors, but i've gone for a mix of
Ripknife Assassin and
Awakened Student due to their easy influence as well as their relative threat level.
Currently the weapons are a mix of
Auric Runehammer,
Vanquisher's Blade,
Bloodletter, and
Inquisitor's Blade.
Thief's Pick was considered, but feels like a lesser
Inquisitor's Blade. The mix of those 4 weapons feels more meta reliant.
Auric Runehammer is strong vs Hooru based midrange/control decks,
Vanquisher's Blade is for more Time/Justice based midrange/control decks,
Bloodletter is to stabilize vs aggro decks, and
Inquisitor's Blade is an evasion card that gets you over the top of most decks.