This is a control deck, all the damage you do will be done on your last 2 turns. Prodigious sorcery is now the only way to play this deck lol so just find tempest with a Garden and start unloading on the enemy face and board. Keep a snowball to break face aegis if necessary. Calderan Cradle is here to help but is rarely your win condition. Also, don't be afraid to use Flame Blast to remove even a small target, you'll likely Prodigious Sorcery it back to your hand with double damage for the win anyway. You'll want to be drawing something light and something heavy like Torch+Blast etc to drop both in the same turn for maximum damage. And yes similar decks to this exist already in volume, this is just my version.
GL HF :)
Edit: Just noticed this is a very cheap deck to make... good choice for beginners. Extra noice. Also, currently 15W/5L in D2. See ya in masters
Update: Removed a Flame Blast and Strategize to add an extra Re-read and Honor of Claws. Current match history shows 15W/5L in masters, rank 391 and rising.