So, this is a fairly vanilla Felnscar control deck. Cheap removal, card draw, as many copies of Vara as I can fit. I don't like how hailstorm is positioned in the current metagame, and think the other interaction spells I'm running are better positioned. Witch + harbinger with big Vara on board is a one-sided wipe. Other than that, interact early with spells, drop high-value 4-drops, outvalue with peak, gain life with harbinger, go over the top with big Vara. There's probably some place to fit a copy of Dizo's office or two, but I can't find it.
Most of the market isn't negotiable. 3+1 big Vara, 2+1 harbinger (because of 4 peak main), rindra's choice for taking out multifaction fatties (cards like Tavrod), burglarize for massive relics (martyr's chains being the primary offender). Witch may or may not be too cute.
Some people may not like the numbers and can feel free to change them.