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Rinda's Feln Control

Throne Deck By

Work in Progress

Cost Curve




This is my latest iteration of Feln Control. It is probably my favorite deck to pilot in ECG due to it's resiliency against a vast majority of the field (we're talking D3+, as I don't run into so many homebrews up here.)

The best inclusion that Dusk Road has added, in my opinion, is Rindra, the Duskblade. She's an absolute powerhouse; her nightfall draws you a card, she has lifesteal (especially when played in pairs,) she plays really well with Champion of Cunning, she is multi-faction and has 5 toughness, which makes a couple of the popular removal spells (Torch and Annihilate) miss, and she plays really well with Vara, Fate Touched.

I would say she really shines late-game, but that wouldn't be totally true. While she does help to win games later, I honestly think she's more of an early-game star. She clogs up the board vs. aggro and gains you back some life if they decide to swing into her, She comes out quick vs control, and can just keep beating to force removal or Harsh Rule, and SHE GAINS LIFE. This is so super important when Rakano is trying to burn you out.

Strategize is a great addition from Dusk Road, too. Don't think I forgot about that, but Rindra is just the jelly to my peanut butter. Oooooh yum.

Other edits to a traditional Feln list are:
Evened out the number or Deathstrike to Feeding Time at 3:3. The instant speed of Deathstrike does come in handy vs. charge dudes.
-1 Lightning Storm, -1 Seek Power, -1 Steward of the Past to make way for the fourth Sabotage and 2 Extract. Once again, the lifesteal from Extract can make or break a game vs tempo/aggo/burn decks.
Also, seek power just seemed to be a dead draw to me after turn 4/5... I know it thins out the deck, and can make sure that your Champ hits his requirements for Aegis and +2/+0, but with all the card draw, and the way this deck manages the game so well, it isn't needed. I'd rather draw a dead Sabotage than an extra Seek. Heck, I might accidentally rip an Azindel's Gift or random Annihilate out of their hand.

I could go on all day about this deck, but I implore you, try it. It works really, really well. It beats up on AP mid quite often, and if that's not enough, know that it goes about 60-40 with a good aggro deck when they get a good draw. Especially thanks to all the lifesteal cards that are in there.

Oh Black-Sky Harbinger, how I love thee so.


Shiftstone Cost
Does not include campaign cost

Premium Cost

Influence Requirements
2 3

Power Sources
18 17 10

Power Calculator
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Deck Rarities
22 19 12 11

Card Types
19 0 31 0 25


February 14, 2018

February 13, 2018


Eternal Version
Draft Changes

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Zessu Eternal Version: 1.28.7
What to do now that Steward and Vara are pieces of shit? Do you have any replacements yet?
MandarinC Eternal Version: 1.28
There ain't so many ways to make a Nightfall except for Rindra. Don't a few Amethyst Waystones worth it?
Archivist Eternal Version: 1.28
You could absolutely squeeze a few of those in.
Maybe this:
-1 Cobalt Waystone
-2 Shadow Sigils
+3 Amethyst Waystone

Personally, I don't think they're necessary. I hate the higher risk of depleted seats, but the extra life with Rindra could help shore-up up the game vs rally-style decks that get that perfect draw.

Usually it goes: turn 1 Sabotage, turn 2 Vara's, turn three Extract/Wisdom, turn 4 Steward/Rindra... And usually winning from there.

I'm so glad it's working well for everyone! 😁
Melfice Eternal Version: 1.28
I have been playing this deck list, and I love Feln Control lists! Thanks for sharing, and I'm having a blast with the deck right now.